Chapter 2

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"Woah, wait you were in California?!" Amy asks shocked.

"Ya, the officer said they must have put me on sleeping gas or something. How long was I gone?" I ask.

"6 days" Jack J. chimes in. There's still something that I really need to know.

Where on earth is Cameron. Why wasn't he with everyone else? Is he kidnapped.

"So before you said you could throw a knife" Taylor says

"And pick a lock and shoot a gun" I say and take a sip of the water that Matt gave me.

"Since when?!" Nash chimes in.

"Since I was like 7, my dad was a police officer. He taught me" I state.

"I don't believe that," Taylor laughs.

"Ok" I say and walk into the kitchen. I grab and knife and walk back. "Name anything for me to hit." I say.

"The black dot on the curtain" Nash says and crosses his arm.

"Anyone actually believe that I can do this?" I ask. No one says anything. "Ok. If I hit the black dot you all owe me 10 bucks. If I miss I give you all 10 dollars. Deal?"

"Deal" they say. I look at the dot and line myself up. I throw the knife and it hits it.

I look at them an they're eyes widen. "Whoa.." Nash mumbles.

"Told you. Now where's Cameron?" I ask, hoping he's in his room.

"He's upstairs sleeping," Amy says

"Ok boys and Amy get your money ready, and watch Skylar," I say and run up the stairs.

I run upstairs to Cameron's room and see he's sound asleep on the far end of the bed. I shut the door softly and crawl into the bed next to him.

"Get out" he says softly. Still with his eyes closed, he probably doesn't know it's me.

"Cameron" I say softly

"Leave" he demands

"GOD DAMMIT AMY, you even sound like Alex. Like exactly like her. Just GET OUT" he yells, eyes still shut.

"It's ok Cameron" I say

"Amy get out of my room. I don't want to see you, or anyone else. I only want to see Alex" he says and I can't help but smile. "I'm scared I'll never see her again" he says and lays flat on his back, still with his eyes shut. I get on my knees and crawl next to him. "Please just- just... get out" he says softly.

"If you only want to see Alex," I start, "then open your eyes." I smile and before he can do or say anything I press my lips on his, keeping my eyes open. He opens his big brown eyes and looks into mine. I close mine and continue to kiss him. His lips were so soft and perfect. I break the kiss softly and look at him.

"Holy shit this isn't real" he says, and then realize it is. "Oh my God I missed you so much." He pulls me into a hug and squeezing me really tight, but I don't mind, his touch is warm and soft. "I can't believe it" he says and presses his lips on mine. I comb my fingers through his hair.

He pulls away and looks at my arms and my head. There a cut on my head because as we were running I tripped and hit my head. On my arms are cuts from the ropes. "Holy Shit are you ok. Did he hurt you." He says and sits up. I sit up and look at him.

"I'm fine." I say and he kisses my forehead.

"What happened?" He asks.

"It's a long story...." I say and explain every detail to him.

"I'm so sorry Alex, this is all my fault." He says and I look in his eyes, all I see is sadness and fear. I run my hand down his face.

"It's not your fault. It's mine for ever meeting Luke. Don't blame yourself Cameron" I say and wraps my arms around his neck. I wrap my legs around his waist and he kisses me softly.

"I'm never letting you go again" he says as our forehead rest on each other.

" I love you, Cameron" I say and he smiles.

"I love you too, Alex"

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