Chapter 4

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We sprint out of the house and I sit on the curb and Taylor sits next to me.

"It's all my fault, everything's my fault" I say and lay my head on his shoulder. "If someone dies it's because of me. My own sister is dead." I start to cry.

"Shhh" he says and pulls me in for a hug. "Anyone of the guys would take a bullet for you and I'm 100 percent sure of it. Now, what did the note say?"

"It stated that Luke had taken all five of them and if we want them back we have to find them before he kills them." I say and tears roll down my cheeks. "And we can't call the cops or else he'll kill all of them."

"We will find them. Okay?"

"Okay. But we have no clue where th-" I think I might know where.

"What is it?" He asks.

"The house in California"

"That's too obvious" he says.

"Exactly! He would think it's way to obvious for us to go and check there. So they must be there.!" I say and stand up. "C'mon" I say and pull him up. "Lets go"

"Wait, we have no money to buy a plane ticket." He says.

"Yes we do now c'mon" I say and quickly run into my house and grab the car keys. I hop in the car and he gets in the passenger seat. I drive to the airport and we get on the next flight to Chino Hills, California.


"So are we just suppose to run in there and attack them, we don't have any weapons" Taylor says.

"Taylor we have no other choice" I spit and take a deep breath. "Wait follow me"

The last time I was hear I threw a knife at Luke's gun. I walk around to the side of the house and see the window. I climb up and luckily it was open. I see a knife on the floor and grab it. "C'mon Tay" I say and he climbs up.

We explore the house but know one is here. We walk into the kitchen and there's a note on the table.

'Oh Alex, your so naïve,

This whole thing, it's just a game.

You make a move then so do I.

You see, you went to get your phone, so I stole your friends.

Now your turn was to fly out to California, so now it's my turn.

Maybe you'll be the one dead.

Or maybe I'll put a bullet through your friends head.'

I slide down the wall and by now tears are spilling out of my eyes. Taylor picks up the note and reads it and his eyes go wide.

"It's hopeless. He's gonna kill all of them. They're all gonna die and it's all my fault" I spit and pull my knees to my chest and burry my head in them.

"Shh," he says and takes my hand. "We will find them. Everything will be ok"

"No it's not" I mumble.

"Alex. Listen to me. We will fin-" he starts but then the T.V flashes on. I jump back a little and Taylor helps me stand up.

An image appears across the screen. Luke is standing in the middle of a room and everyone is tied up, even Cameron. More tears spill out of my eyes.

Amy's eye widen. Even though her hands are tied up she can still move them a little.

"What's Amy doing?" Taylor whispers in my ear.

My eyes light up. "When we were little we created our own like sign language type thing."

"Do you remember it?"

"Some." I start, "wait, that right there is House!"

"Who's house?" He questions.

"Um Luke's maybe? C'mon we have to check!" I say. We run out the front door and take a taxi back to airport.

"Do you still have your phone on you?" He asks

"Ya, why?"

"Call Carter, Aaron and Jack J., make sure they are ok"

"Crap I forgot about them." I reply and first call Carter.


We called Carter, Aaron and Jack J., they were fine. We told them not to go outside or open the door to anyone till further notice.

We got off the plane and went to my car which was in the parking lot. I left my knife in here. I slide it in my back pocket.

"So where does he live?" Taylor questions.

"A couple houses away from mine, not the house were you guys live, my old house" I state

"So do you own like two houses?"

"Ya I guess, I mean we are pretty rich" I laugh a little. "Lets go to my house first, I need to get something" I say.

It took like 15 minutes to get to my house. I parked the car and we got out. I opened the door and stepped inside. I walk upstairs to my room, which I haven't been in forever. When I came back to live with Skylar I slept in her room every night because she was scared to sleep alone.

I walk up the stairs and everything is silent. I walk to the end of the hallway and open my room door. Everything is exactly the way I left it.

"I like your room," Taylor says from behind me.

"Why because there are posters of you all over the walls," I chuckle.

"No, because it's colorful" he smiles. "So what do you need?"

"A gun" I say and walk to my closet.

"Your not actually gonna kill anyone, right? And why do you have your own gun?"

"Taylor he killed my sister, I can blow his head off If I wanted to. And when I said my dad was a cop, he actually was a secret agent."

"So do have like a whole room filled with guns and knives?" He questions and I laugh.

"No but we have a safe full of stuff." I say. I walk into my closet and Taylor looks around. "I was a strange child, kinda like the girl from Kick-Ass. Except I can't do all flips and stuff she can do."

"You were so cute" he says and I open the safe. I grab a couple star knives and a gun. I walk out and we walk to the car.

"Your like a little ninja" Taylor laughs and I get in the car. I'm not very amused because every second waisted is one more second that I could have saved one of their lives.

It takes no longer then 5 minutes to get to Luke's house. I get out of the car and Taylor follows.

"What about his parents?" he asks and I turn to him.

"HIs dad is dead and his mom is never home, shes always away on business." I state, remebering that when we dated for around two days he told me all about his life. He looks at me with fear in his eyes.

"What if Luke is in there? What do we do then?" he asks, I never really thought about that.

"I don't know," I reply, "just listen to me, and play it by ear."

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