Chapter 19

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Cameron's Pov

She's been sleeping for two days now. It's been getting really worse. The color in her body has completely drained and she looks lifeless.

What sucks the most is that tomorrow is my moms birthday so I'm going home for a couple days.

I know we haven't fully made up and what I did was so stupid, but I still love her more then anything.

"Matt?" I ask as he walks into the room.

"Ya bro?"

"I gotta go home for a few days," I reply and he nods, "call me if anything happens."

"Sure thing," he says and I nod.

I walk out, taking one last look at her.


"Cameron!" My mom smiles and gives me a hug.

"Hey mom," I fake smile, I can't be happy unless I know that Alex will be okay.

"Hey honey, how's Alex?"

"She's okay." I give her a weak smile.

I brought Alex to meet my mom and Sierra a couple times. They really like her which is good. Sierra and Alex really like each other. My dad hasn't met her because I don't really know where he is. He left my mom when I was really young.

"Sierra!" I smile and give her a long hug. I am really close with my sister.

"Hey Cam, how are things?" She asks, referring to Alex.

"Okay," I simply nod.

"Well I got your back if you need anything," she smiles.

I nod and walk to my room. I sit on my bed and check my phone and there's a text from Matt.

Matt: still sleeping

Cameron: text me if anything happens.

Matt: ok bro. I got ya

Cameron: thanks


The next day. 11:03 pm

We celebrated my moms birthday and now I was sitting in my bed staring at my phone.

This fucking sucks.

I wish I could be hugging her or kissing her right now.

God I miss her so fucking much.

If only I wasn't such an asshole. Maybe if we haven't fought that she would have been happier and her body could have killed off the cancer cells.

That's possible, right?

No it's not.

God I'm so stupid.

I'm planning on driving back tomorrow morning. The good thing is that my family lives in California, not very far from our house. It's like an hour drive.

My phone starts vibrating and the name Matt pops up on the screen. I stare at it for a minute but I'm too afraid to answer it so it goes to voicemail.

A few seconds later the same name pops up and I pick up my phone.

"Hello?" I ask, hesitantly.

"Dude," Matts voice cracks but he continues. "I'm really fucking scared right now."

His words cause my heart to sink, "w-what's g-going on?"

"It's Alex," he says, "she's awake but she's um-"

"UM WHAT?" I yell and getting off my bed and grabbing my keys running down the stairs.

"She's freaking out. Like fucking hyperventilating and she's shaking. She won't talk to anyone and if someone tries to talk to her she screams 'where's Cameron.' The doctors don't know what to do but she's in her room and won't let anyone in. She's screaming and crying and dude you gotta get here right now."


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