Chapter 6

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The story gets better at like chapter 9 so I'm just gonna upload 6,7, and 8 now so here's a triple update
"Taylor," I start, "my cancer is back." I state and all he does is hug me. I cry into his shoulder.

"Shhh baby it's alright. Your a fighter, remember that" he says and I pull myself together.

"Now what do we do?" I question and lean back into my seat.


Camerons POV

I took a deep breath as Luke pointed a gun at my head. His finger went to the trigger and I swear he was about to shoot me, then Morgan walked in.

"Pretty boy doesnt even know his own girl friends secret, wow, I mean, even I know," he says and a tear falls from my eye.

I have no clue what Alex's 'secret' is but I'm sure she would have told me. "Luke theres a gaint spider upstairs can you go kill it?" Morgan asks.

"Goddammit Morgan," he yells and storms off and slams the door shut.

"I'm gonna help you," she smiles and rips the ducttape off my mouth. I hold in my screams so that Luke won't hear. "We just need to smiply tell Alex that you are here and then tell her I'm on your side.

"Why are you helping us?" I question and she looks at me and saddness takes over her face.

"Luke has gone way to far with this," she states and opens a door. She picks up my phone, "what's your password?"


I'm assuming she texted Alex where we are. "There, all done" she adds and places my phone back in the closet. She puts the tape back on my mouth. "I'll be back, I need to play along with the whole thing." She walks upstairs and leaves.


Morgans Pov

"Great Job," Luke says and I smile.

I'm not actually gonna help them. Luke and I have a plan to get Alex and Taylor here and she will witness us killing her best friends.

Great plan right?

"Do you have all your stuff?" He asks and I nod. He takes my hand and pulls me close. I giggle and he kisses me. "I love you"

"I love you too" I smile.


Alex's POV

My phone buzzes, it's a text from Cameron.

My jaw drops. "Tay Tay look" I say and give him my phone.

"O my god." He stutters a little bit. "How could we be so oblivious?"

"Think about it, it's the perfect plan, we would never think there. God were so stupid."

"Well don't just sit there, drive!" He commands and I start the car.

About 20 minutes later I pull up to the house, my house. Well my uncles house. It all makes sense. That scream I heard, how he knew everything, it's all so obvious.

"Taylor, what if it's a trap, what if they are waiting for us in there. What do we do then?" I question as we approach the house.



Disclaimer ------

I'm looking back on this chapter now which I had typed like 10 months ago and I slowly update ( sorry)

But I'm updating more now and I'm on like chapter 21.

It gets a lot better as you read I promise!

And voting would really be appreciated.

Thanks guys and if you stick with the story it gets better I promise.


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