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Keilani POV

A month later

I woke up on Saturday. Not just any Saturday but the Saturday morning of my brothers funeral. My dad was at some tramps house sexing away his sorrows, so I slept home alone last night. Imma just have to meet him there. I sat up in bed looking at the time. It was 8am and the service started at 9:30am. I had time to get ready but for some reason I was not getting up. I just stared at my ceiling for just a little. It's been a month since I have last talked to Jeremiah or seen him. Apparently he been moving low lately. He isn't really in school either. The crew only hear from him if he staying at one of they houses. He hasn't been around anyone lately.

I shook my head. I yawned as I stood up walking to my bathroom. I played music as showered, I was ready to get today over with. I don't even know if I'm upset about him dying anymore. Nobody deserves to die for the wrong they do, but I do believe everybody deserves to get karma whether it's good or bad. In his case I'm guessing his karma was death. He can't run from it forever at some point we all gotta lay.

I made sure to make someone tell Jeremiah I wanted him no where near the church or the cemetery or the reception hall today. Him being around wouldn't make sense anyway because he can't kill my brother then pay respects like he feels bad. He knew what he was doing. As I hopped out the shower I sat on my bed and put on lotion and my bra and underwear set. I pulled out the fitted black dress from my closet and some heels Hakeem had got me a while back when he first got out. I put on pearls for jewelry and grabbed a black hand bag and my phone. I threw on a black trench coat and looked in the mirror. "Let's do this ma." I said to myself. I grabbed the keys to my car and walked outside putting the pin in on my house lock and got in the car and drove to the church.

At the church

I pulled into the lot of the church. Before I stepped out I took deep breaths to stop the tears that were building up from falling. I'm boutta see some family I haven't seen in a while. This is not how I imagined our reunion. I put my sunglasses on and stepped out. Once I locked my car I walked inside. In the lobby I saw signs and pamphlets and some cousins and aunts and uncles I smiled and hugged them. I walked into the church to get one last look at my brother. I sat down and waited for my friends to come. Shortly after they got here all them...except for Jerry😔. The service began and I put my glasses back on.

At the reception

When the service ended, we went to the burial site and said our final, final goodbyes. It was a heart breaking moment seeing my dad break down the way he did. He didn't even come to the reception with us, he went to a bar nearby to drink up with his money hungry hoe. It's awful when my dad drinks. While Hakeem was in jail he'd drink a lot.

He also felt that he failed as a father so he'd be angry with himself a lot and the littlest things would set him off. So for a while I was his punching bag. Traumatic flashbacks swam through my head as I remembered the nights I'd go to sleep crying with bruises, bumps, cuts, and welts all over me. Even burns. I was snapped out my thoughts by someone who approached me from behind and tapped my shoulder. I jumped a little then turned around to face Shay. "Hmm ?" I questioned.

"Nothing you just looked lost in thought, are you okay?" I smiled small. "Oh yeah. I'm fine, but uhh can I- um this might be weird but uhh can I sleep you your place tonight ?"

He scrunched his eyebrows. Questioning my question and observed me to see if I would say I was joking or something. "My dad is getting drunk tonight and I don't know which bitch he's bringing home." I laughed lowly trying to lighten the mood. When he saw I wasn't joking he rubbed his chin and said, "you know I would love you to bu-" "Okay great thanks." I hugged him and walked away to host this reception. What a day.

Shay's House


I walked into Shay's house and put my bags in his room. Last week it was Dre, but him and Nyema was fucking like everyday. I could get no sleep. 2 weeks before Dre it was twins. They weren't too bad until Vinnie got too comfortable and started using/taking my shit. Him and Vonte then began to argue because Vinnie ass was always catching attitude and getting mad for no reason. That lil happy nigga turn to a demon when he mad. I wasn't there to babysit nor mediate, so I had to leave. Going home wasn't an option either, so now it's Shay's. I went down stairs and made a bowl of cereal and went to the living room and put on Netflix. Yes boys watch Netflix too, we don't sit on the game all day. As I was looking for something to watch Shay came downstairs. "Aye bruh I'm going to ole girls house right quick, you want me to bring you back anything ?"

"Aww what a sweet heart, thanks babe" I said and we busted out laughing. "Man what I tell you bout that gay shit. You gotta chill" he said in between laughs. Idk how Shay does it but this dude is my bro, he never fails to brighten my day... no homo. "Nah but fr tho what you want cuz you know I wouldn't buy you shit. I'm being nice." He said.

"Uhhh idk just bring back some buffalo chicken pizza with chicken wings, mozzarella sticks, and fired dough." He looked at me shocked. "You think I got money out my ass huh?" he laughed. "Nigga look at your fucking house. You live in a 3 story one family crib, basically by yourself because your peoples always on trips for weeks or months at a time. You went to one of the best private schools out here. You live in the nice part of the apple but now you go to school in the jects. You have 3 cars to your name. What 19 year old drives a Bentley, Beamer, and Mazzi? Mind you the Bent is just if you really wanna pop out. You only use it for special occasions. The Beamer is your go to whip, and the Mazzi for when you feeling nice. Tell me which one of us got it like that, I'll wait." He was quiet for a second. "you ain't have to go off though." He said quietly looking down.

"Oh aight." He sucked his teeth and walked to the door and as he left he said, "If anyone ring my bell check the damn peep hole first. Ion want nobody running in my house because of your stupidity. If I wouldn't let them in, then you won't either." he spoke sternly. "OK DAD." He let out a chuckle and walked out. Once I heard his car drive away I did what I was waiting to do.

I ran upstairs and kicked off my shoes, took off my pants and shirt and now I was left in just my boxers and socks, and my wife beater. I grabbed a white button up shirt and buttoned it up. I ran downstairs grabbed a broom and a pair of Shay's moms sunglasses, I moved the coffee table and then turned on old throw back songs and began dancing around the living room. "IM LOOKIN AT THE MAN IN THE MIRROR, IM ASKING HIM TO CHANGE HIS WAAAYYS..." I yelled out the lyrics loud and proud. Then, I heard a knock....

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