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Keilani Pov

After Jeremiah left, I left shortly after. I was blowing Nyema's phone up but she wasn't answering. I went by her house, her mom said she has been home all day and she hasn't seen or heard from Ny since when she left for school this morning. I was beginning to worry even more. Right now in my head I am for sure seeing the worst out come possible. I was texting the other girls and they haven't seen her either. We all were on a damn search hunt for her. I called her again and left a message. "Ny baby I'm so sorry this is happening to you but please don't do anything stupid. Call me back I am so worried about you. Think of everyone who cares about you." I said then hung up. I continued to text and call her. Jeremiah not answering me wasn't helping my anxiety either. I called the one person I can think of and who'd answer. "Hello ?" he said. "Kyle... I need you." I said.

~ At Kyle house ~

"Now she isn't responding to anyone. I know it's been a while since we talked and I don't mean to bother you but please just help me find her." I begged. "Stop you're not bothering me. Of course I will help you find her. Is there anywhere she likes to go to clear her head ? a secret spot of some sort ?" he asked. "Yes, but I stopped by and nobody's seen her." he thought a bit. "Is there any where you can think of that she might be that she mentions a lot ?" he said. I thought about it then a thought came to mind. "The bridge at the beginning of the city. She has always liked the view you get from there. She said it gives her peace of mind and makes the city look different." I said. "Then we got a bridge to get to." he said standing up. I grabbed my keys but he put my hand down. "We will take my car." he said. I nodded and followed him out to his car.

~ The bridge ~

We got to the bridge and it was starting to get a little dark out. It's about 6:30 something. "Okay we are here. I'll be back stay in the car." he looked at me crazy. "Listen Heather, I don't know what horror movie you think we in but we black, in a quiet area, surrounded by trees, and it's dark as shit outside. I'm not leaving you alone, and I DAMN sure ain't staying in dis car alone so let's go." he said turning the car off and stepping out. I rolled my eyes and shut the car door. We began walking down the long path on the bridge looking for Nyema.

~ 7 minutes into the walk ~

We were still looking for Nyema and it was a silence between me and Kyle until he broke it. "So... how's you and Jeremiah." he said looking down with his hands in his pockets. "Can we not do that thing where the ex who did me dirty asks about my new boyfriend." I said still looking around. "Right.. sorry." I'm really tired of that word. "Don't be sorry, just mind your business." I smirked. "Ouch, damn." he said. I laughed a little bit. "Keilani.." he said. "Seriously Kyle just drop it me and Jeremiah aren't your concern." I said cutting him off. "No, not that, look !" he said. I looked in the direction he was pointing and squinted my eyes. I saw a slim figure in the distance. "Is that ... oh my God it's Nyema." I said.

Standing in the distance was Nyema on the ledge of the bridge looking as though she was ready to jump off. We ran towards her. "NYEMA !" I yelled. She looked up scared. "STOP ! Don't come any closer or I'll jump, I swear." she said crying. Kyle moved me behind him. "Nyema... come down." He said calmly and slowly walking towards her. "Why, I hate myself, I'm disgusted with myself. All I do is let people down. I have a good thing then I go and fuck it up for myself there's nobody to blame but me. I can't raise a child without the thought of them being a mistake ringing in my head. This should be Dre's baby not Ace." she sobbed. "Now the one person I love who has truly been in my corner through it all hates me and can't look at me."

"Listen, I get it. A few months ago I was in your shoes. I cheated on the best girl God has put in my life. I had a great thing going for me and I fucked it up. Me and her decided to be friends but deep down inside it was literally killing me knowing I lost her to another man. Dre doesn't hate you." he took a few more close steps. "He is just hurt because of how much he loves you. The thing about love is it makes you do things you never thought you would. We hurt those we love for our own selfish, petty reasons. If I could go back in time and rewind the heart break I caused Keilani I would, but I can't and neither can you. It came a day when I woke up and  stopped feeling sorry for myself because I did it to myself. I made a mistake and I accepted it, then I picked up the ball and kept rolling. There wasn't anything I could anymore. The same way there's nothing you can do anymore. Taking your own life and unborn child's life isn't the answer. It won't fix anything, just cause more damage. Don't do this." 

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