Chapter 7

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(A/N: this chapter is short oops)

"There she is!" Tony exclaimed. Peter and Tony both ran through the door and to the kitchen where Pepper was setting up all the forms.

"Peter! Tony!" Pepper hollered. Tony kissed her on the cheek and all three of them gathered around the papers.

"So Peter, you have to sign here, here and here." She said, pointing to three different lines on the page. She handed him a blue pen and Peter signed the papers without hesitation. A smile grew on Tony's face.

"Yay!" Pepper cheered, taking the pen from Peter's hand and giving it to Tony.

"You have to sign here, here, here and here." She stated, pointing to four lines on the page. Tony excitedly signed them with a huge grin plastered on his face.

"Done!" He hollered, handing the pen to Pepper.

"Not so fast." She laughed, flipping the page and pointing to two more lines. Tony signed them, still smiling wider than Peter has ever seen him smile (which made Peter happy).

"Okay! Yay!" Pepper exclaimed. Peter stood there awkwardly, smiling his face off.

"So both of us have to go drop this off in person now or...?" Tony started.

"Um...I think so. Come on, Peter! You're coming with us!" Pepper looked so happy and it made Peter smile, too. The three headed out the door as Tony turned on one of his many expensive cars.

Peter laughed. This was the happiest Peter's been since...since May had died. Peter shuddered at the thought but shook his head as if to dispel it.
No, I'm gonna be happy now. I'm getting adopted by Tony Stark!
Just the thought of it made Peter smile.

"Get in!" Tony shouted. They drove through the night, the moon shining brightly. It was a good night to be Peter Parker.

• • •

They came home from the adoption centre at about midnight. The car ride back was filled with loud music and laughing and smiling. Peter had a mom and dad again! It was crazy to think about, though he knew it would take a while before he started calling Pepper and Tony 'mom and dad'.

When they arrived back to the Facility, the Avengers congratulated them. It had been a weird day but overall a good one; a day Peter never thought would happen in a billion years.

Everybody had partied for hours before they cozied up on the couch to watch a movie, eventually all passing out within an hour into it. It was 7 in the morning and they were still sleeping on eachother

That's when the alarm rang.

They all aruptly awoke chaotically. "What the hell is that noise?" Tony exclaimed, annoyed.

"That's the emergency alarm,
Mr. Stark." Said Friday, the AI.

"Well, what's the fricken emergency?" Clint asked harshly, almost falling back asleep.

"There seems to be a creature downtown." Friday replied.

"A what?" Natasha snorted.

"It's killing hundreds of people."

Everybody went silent. Hundreds.

"Identify the creature, Friday." Tony said calmly, standing up. Though everybody could tell he had been triggered by what Friday had just said.

"It appears to be a man, sir. He is glowing red and breathing fire."

Impossible. Tony gulped, his heart thumbing.

"Shouldn't we get down there?" Peter asked, pointing to the exit.

"Not before we know what we're dealing with." Tony stated. "Run it through the records." He tapped his foot, waiting impatiently on Friday's response.

"I found it, sir."


"Aldrich Killian, the Mandarin. "

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