Chapter 23

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(A/N: Sorry this is really short! I'm gonna post another chapter right after this one so I guess that kinda makes up for it lol.)

Peter screamed continuously in agony. The scanner/laser thing above him was beaming a purple light that felt like it was digging into Peter's skin. Like someone was stabbing through his whole body at one time.

Aaron was staring at a computer that seemed to show Peter's insides; like an X-ray, just much more detailed. It also showed all the entrances of the building in the corner of the screen.

Peter's voice gave out as tears flooded down his cheeks. The pain was something he had never felt before. He was grunting in pain until Aaron looked up from his laptop and put his hand on the machine.

Please be turning it off, please be turning it off.

Aaron pressed a button and the laser got thicker, the pain stronger and Peter's screaming louder.


"Please make it stop! Make it sto-op!" Peter yelled through his tears. His body was pleading to go unconscious, to pass out, but the pain plus his spider strength wouldn't let him.

For what felt like an hour (that was really 3 minutes), Aaron pulled a lever and the machine slowly turned off.

Peter was still in agony, more tears flooding from his eyes.

"Wh-hat d-did y-you do?" Peter couldn't talk clearly, let alone see clearly. His vision was a blur from the tears and pain. His voice was shaking hard.

"You're fine." Aaron simply said, still staring at his laptop, typing something.

Peter wanted to say something but he was too weak to. His ears were ringing loudly and it was giving him a massive migraine. He scrunched his nose, wincing.

"Shit." Aaron whispered, obviously panicking. "SHIT!" Aaron slammed his hand against the desk. He got up and speed walked to the foot of the table.

"Give me the password for Stark Industries." Aaron said in a hurry.

"What?" Peter managed to whisper.

Aaron grabbed something from a drawer and didn't hesitate before pouring it in Peter's mouth. It was clear, bitter tasting and a bit tangy.

A second passed and Peter's vison cleared. His headache suddenly disappeared and the ringing went away. His body was still extremely weak but he could at least speak.

"Give me the password to Tony's 'Stark Industries' login!" Aaron ran to lock the door, panicking even more. He ran back to the cabinet and looked through it before he found what he was looking for. A gun.

It was a pistol and he loaded it. He pointed it at Peter's chest. Peter began panicking himself.

"Wh-what are you doing?" Peter shouted, desperately trying to get his hands out the cuffs.

"Just give me it and I won't shoot!"

Peter opened his mouth to speak before he heard Jonah scream in the distance.

"They're here." Aaron muttered.

"Who's here?" Peter was extremely confused but hopeful.

Aaron put his finger on the trigger. "Say it!" He screamed.


There was a huge crash, glass shattering.

"What the hell is happening out there?" Peter shouted.

"Finish it!" Aaron yelled, running to his laptop, pressing the keys.

"Um...778, 87-"

A banging sound, walls breaking. Peter continued making up a password.

"Uh, 8767..."

There was loud footsteps getting closer and closer. I need to stall, I need to stall.

"Finish!" Aaron screamed.

"STARK, exclaimation mark, 760."

Aaron began typing the password in. Then, the computer made a beeping sound.

"Access denied."

"That better have been the correct password!" Aaron yelled.

"I might've said it wrong-"

"Say it again!"


Suddenly, everything happened at once.

A door being kicked down. A gunshot. A loud noise in the backround...


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