Chapter 24

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A second too late.

An iron armored leg had kicked down the door. I bet you could guess who it was.

The Avengers had come for Peter! They had knocked out every other accomplice of Jonah and Aaron in the rest of the building.

Yet, they were just a second too late.

Because when the door was pushed down, so was the trigger.

Suddenly, an intense pain was in Peter's abdomen. He screamed in agony. His vision blurred and his ears started to ring again.

Blood. So much blood.

All Peter could see was a deep shade of red. He was crying hard, his head pounding at every breath he took.

He moaned in pain. He could hear muffled yells.

"Pete?" That sounded like Tony. Peter could still hear the panic in his voice.

Tony stopped in his tracks when he saw his son, dark red blood spilling out his stomach.

"Kid?" He whispered. "Holy shit." Tony couldn't breathe. Ohmygod ohmygod.

Tony's eyes filled with tears but he didn't bother trying to hold them back. The team were the only one's in the building who weren't unconsious.

"Kid, can you hear me?" Tony rushed to Peter's side, throwing a cloth over his wound, trying to stop the bleeding.

"Ohmygod, Pete..."

The whole team was watching in horror and shock.

"Tony? What happened?" It was Bruce. He apparently was no longer the Hulk.

"Meet me at the hospital." Tony whispered.

He ripped off the cuffs and lifted Peter off the table as gently as he could. He flew out the door and straight to the hospital.

"Call the cops and get these guys arrested." Steve said, glancing at Aaron who was knocked out on the ground from a single kick by Cap. Nat pulled out a phone and began dialing 911.

Everybody was still trying to process what had just happened. Was Peter dead?

A minute later, cop cars were surronding the building and arresting Jonah, Aaron and everybody who worked for them.

"Tony, how are we doing?" Steve asked through the mouthpiece.

"I don't know." Tony whispered.

Once the rest of the Avengers were at the hospital (which was very confusing to the rest of the patients' families) they saw Tony sitting in one of the waiting chairs.

He had his head in his hands, his eyes red and puffy.

"How is he?" Rhodey asked, sitting next to his bestfriend. Sam and Rhodey had joined the team after turning Toomes in.

Tony shrugged, looking away from the group.

"Have you called Pepper yet?" Clint asked. Tony nodded.

"She's in the bathroom." Tony replied. He spoke dryly as if he felt no emotion Like he was empty; but of course, like always, he was a roller coaster of emotions.

"He's gonna be fine, Tony." Steve reassured.

"Me and Pep are gonna go to that little room where we can watch through the glass once she gets back." Tony said, rubbing his eyebrow.

"Okay." Steve paused. "You okay?" He regretted asking the obvious question right after it left his mouth.

Tony nodded. "Yeah." It was obvious he wasn't. Nobody really was.

Pepper had returned a minute later and Tony and her went to the room to watch Peter in surgery.

Pepper sat on a chair, stressing out while making a few phone calls. Tony wouldn't look away from his kid on the surgery bed. His kid.

An hour had passed when one of the surgeons came out to tell them news.

"So he's...uh...better. Bullet is out, the bleeding has stopped."

Tony felt a bit relieved though he hated that she said 'better'. He felt his muscles tense up, waiting for bad news.

"He has a little internal damage throughout his entire body and we're not sure from what but we'll find out and get it fixed."

The lasers. Tony felt anger rush over him. Peter was most probably in so much pain. The thought of it made Tony wince. The surgeon took notice.

"But he's okay! He has to spend the night here just incase the internal bleeding starts again but if all is good, he'll be free to go home!" The blonde surgeon said. "His fast healing from the spider powers are probably why he survived."

Tony nearly gasped before he recalled what had been on the news earlier that day. Everybody knew Peter's  identity now.

It was now 9pm and Tony was exhausted. No matter how much money he offered, he wasn't allowed to stay with Peter through the night for some unknown reason.

He and Pepper walked to the waiting room where the whole team was still waiting. Clint and Sam were sleeping and the rest (Steve, Nat, Wanda, Vision, Rhodey and Bruce) were just chatting.

"How's Peter?" Nat asked as soon as she saw Pepper and Tony coming.

"He's okay." Pepper replied. Tony nodded in agreement

"Good." She slapped Clint in the face which woke him up.

"The hell- oh! Is Peter alright?"

Tony nodded. "He's gonna be okay."

"Yay." Clint whispered, shutting his eyes again.

Everybody headed back to the facility, Tony stopping at the other abandoned building to retrieve Peter's suit.

When they arrived home, Tony went straight to his lab to distract himself. He was about to take a beer with him to numb his mind and the pain but Pepper wouldn't let him since they had to go to the hospital early the next morning.

Tony began upgrading Peter's suit for a little suprise when he got back. A couple hours had passed before there was a knock on the door.

"Come in."

The door opened and Steve was standing in the doorway.

"Hey Capsicle." Tony said, turning back to the suit.

"Tony, it's midnight. We have to go early tomorrow morning." Steve had his signature concerned look on his face.

"Thanks bye." Tony simply replied, a hint of annoyance in his voice.

"I'm serious. You have to stay strong for Peter."

"I'm trying!" Tony hissed. He was holding back tears.

Steve nodded, looking down at his feet.

"I can get through this alone." Tony said, trying to concentrate on the suit.

"But you don't have to."

"But I want to!" Tony shouted, abruptly standing up out of his chair, walking away from Steve to another part of his lab.

"Please leave." Tony said, running his fingers through his hair. He wanted to  just break down and sob but he refused to infront of anybody. Except maybe Pepper who had already fallen asleep hours ago.

Steve didn't reply. He stared at his broken friend. It was obvious to the whole team that Tony was in pain and  everybody wanted to help but they knew Tony would just push them away.

"Go!" Tony shouted. Tears were silently streaming down his cheeks now but Steve couldn't see.

"I was just trying to help Tony." Steve said before shutting the door behind him.

When he heard the door close, Tony collapsed onto the chair and broke down in pain.

He cried and cried and cried. 

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