Chapter 15

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Peter woke up surrounded by Uncle Ben, his mom, dad and Aunt May. He aruptly sat up. "W-what are you d-doing here?" Peter couldn't breathe. It was like someone had just grabbed his lungs and tore them out of his neck. "You killed us Peter." Uncle Ben said. Oh. My. God. Peter hadn't heard that voice in years. "You killed us!" Ben screamed. Peter was in shock. His parents and May joined in. "You killed us! How could you?" They kept screaming it in unison. Over and over again, each time getting louder and louder. Tears flooded down Peter's face. "I didn't mean to! I'm sorry!" He shouted back. Suddenly, a crowd of people appeared and circled around Peter's bed. All of their faces and bodies had bloody burns. Their clothes were ashy and torn. Peter realized who they were; the people from the buildings. "You could've saved us!" They screamed. Peter was shaking perilously. "I'm sorry!" He shouted again. "You killed us! You killed us!" Everybody chanted. "Everyone around you dies!" Aunt May howled. Then suddenly, everybody stopped. Silence filled the room until Tony walked in front of them. "Tony? W-wha..." Tony had a hurt expression on his face. His eyes glistened with anger and betrayal. "And now, you're gonna kill me too."

"Wake up!" Steve shouted as Nat slapped Peter across the face. His eyes shot open. Peter almost jumped onto the ceiling. He was sweating alot, even though his skin was ice cold to the touch. "What the fffu-" Peter looked around his bedroom. Where did they all go? The teen was still in shock, his body shaking slightly. He felt his eyes sting with tears but he blinked them away. In front of him, Steve and Nat were standing incredibly still, Tony slightly behind them watching in confusion and concern.

"Are you alright?" Tony whispered, sitting down next to Peter. "Nightmare?"

Peter still couldn't believe what he had witnessed a minute before. "No."

"No?" Steve looked confused. "You were screaming in your sleep, Peter."

"I was? W-what did I scream?" Peter's voice was still a whisper.

"Sorry." Nat stated. "I'm sure it was a nightmare."

Peter shook his head. "It was so real."

"They all are." Tony rubbed his son's back. "What happened?"

Peter shook his head, trying to remember.

"Um...Uncle Ben and A-aunt May were there. And my p-parents and the people I ki- failed to save. They were saying it was m-my fault." Peter was trying so hard to hold back the tears.

"Peter. It's not your fault." Nat reasurred. Peter nodded slowly.

"It's not." Tony said firmly. "I can get you some meds if you want?"

Peter shook his head no, glancing at the alarm clock. 3:34AM.

"S-sorry for waking you guys up." Peter whispered. Steve shook his head.

"We were all up anyways. Not a problem." Steve said kindly. Peter nodded slowly. They were lying, he could tell.

"Let us know if you have any more." Tony said.

"Ok," Peter whispered.

With that, Tony, Nat and Steve walked out of the room and to their own.

Peter shook his head. That couldn't have been a nightmare! It just couldn't have! It was so real, so nostalgic. As if it had actually happened before...or was about to happen...

What the hell are you thinking Peter. They're dead. Actually dead. How's that even supposed to happen? He thought to himself. They were dead. It was physically impossible for that to happen for real. But the last part... "and now, you're gonna kill me too." What was that supposed to mean?

Ironman is much stronger than Spiderman. He couldn't kill Tony, even if he wanted to. Maybe it meant emotionally? Maybe I killed him- am about to kill him emotionally? Peter went through all the possible meanings. ...or this could just be a stupid dream and mean nothing at all. Peter decided on that before falling back asleep.

• • •

Tony was worried for the kid. He's had nightmares before and so has just about everybody on the team, but he couldn't imagine having them as young as 15.

He wanted to help Peter, but he didn't know how. Everything that Peter had gone through, he didn't know what would help. Tony continued to tinker on his suit. It was 7AM now, Peter was still sleeping- hopefully- peacefully.

He had woken up around 3 when he heard Peter screaming. He instantly thought Peter was getting attacked so he rushed to the kid's room in his ironman suit, Steve and Nat following behind with his sheild and her guns. But when they arrived, Peter was screaming "sorry" at himself. That instantly broke Tony's heart. He knew somewhat how Peter felt and he knew that it was a terrible feeling; to be afraid to go to sleep in fear of reliving the terrible things that happened. Not to mention Peter was almost 16. He was 15 and he already lost both his parents, his uncle and aunt, and lives with the guilt of many people's deaths that he failed to stop.

Tony sighed. "Friday, alert me when Peter's vitals go abnormally up. Or when he seems to be distressed. Even if he says not to, tell me."

"Okay, sir. I will have Karen program the same."

"Thank you." Tony replied. "Also, tell me when he's not in his room. Like when he goes out to patrol."

"Got it. Starting when, sir?"

"Starting now." Tony replied, rolling his eyes.

"Oh, then Peter is not in his room."

Tony grunted. Jesus Peter.

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