Chapter 22

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"The Vulture."

"What the fff-"

"What should I do?" Sam asked, landing softly on the roof of the jeep Toomes was driving.

"Make him pull over then grab him and bring him to the roof of this building." Tony instructed.

"On it."

"Call Peter." Steve said, putting his hand on Tony's shoulder. Tony shook the hand off.

"Friday, call Peter's phone."

Tony waited for somebody to pick up but it just kept ringing.

And ringing.

And ringing.

Until it stopped.

"Hey it's Peter! I'm not at the phone right now but leave a message after the beep! BEEEEPPPP!" His voice was so happy yet it made Tony so sad.

The phone made the beeping sound before Tony told Friday to hang up.

Tony leaned against the wall, tears forming in his eyes but he blinked them away.

"Tony..." Natasha started, walking towards him.

"Vulture's on the roof." Sam said.

Tony formed the head of his suit back on and began walking towards the window. He blasted it before flying out and heading towards the roof. Everybody followed.

"Where's Peter?" Tony demanded, the head of the suit disapearing again.

Toomes was handcuffed to a bar and strapped to a wooden chair.

"When did you have time for this?" Tony whispered. Sam shrugged.

"Parker?" Toomes looked confused.

"Peter Parker. Where is he?" Tony asked again, raising his blaster to Toomes' face.

"I don't know where he is." Toomes replied.

"Don't bullshit me. You're besties with whatshisface..."

"Jonah McBaker." Friday said.

"Jonah McBaker. He took Peter and I'll blast your head off if you don't tell me where he is." Tony said, the blaster slowly turning on.

"Yeah, we're friends but I don't know what they did to Peter Parker..." He looked almost guilty but was good at hiding it. Fortunately, Tony just about notices everything. Most of the time.

"Just tell me where he is!"

"I don't know!"

"Figure out!"

Tony motioned something towards Steve who put a phone on Toomes' shoulder.

"Friday, what's their number?"

After a minute of Friday searching all records and phonebooks, she found it and informed them.

"Call them and find out where Peter is. If you try anything, I will shoot you." Tony stated sternly.

"You're such a hero Tony Stark. You're actually gonna kill me?" His voice was snarky and sarcastic, but everybody could tell he was also terrified.

"Uh yeah." Tony replied in a obvious tone.

"Fine. I'll help you find your kid, jut untie me!" Toomes exclaimed.

"You help me find my kid, then when he is found, I will untie you and not tell the police that we know your location. But if Peter not okay, you are going right back to prison." Tony didn't want to say dead. Peter couldn't be dead....right?

Toomes agreed, leaning his ear onto the phone.

Then the phone stopped ringing; somebody had picked up.

"Hello?" Jonah had picked up the phone.

"Hey man. It's Toomes."

"Adrian! New number? What's up!"

He was on speaker phone and Tony almost laughed at Adrian.

"Uh nothing much. You?" Toomes tapped his foot softly.

"Uh I'm kinda busy at the moment as much as I would love to catch up..."

Toomes looked up at Tony who motioned with his hands to keep the conversation going.

"Uh, why? Whatcha doing?"

"I probably shouldn't tell you over the phone..."

"Tell me. I, um, can't leave my car."

"Kay Adri, you know that kid who put you in jail? I kidnapped him."

"Wow! Peter Parker?"


"Thanks for the revenge man! Is he at your house or something?" Toomes pretended to be suprised.

"Uh, nope. We're at some abandoned building around 71st street."

Toomes looked up at Tony who nodded.

"What are you doing to him?"

"Actually, I got him here for Stark's computer files 'cause apparently, Peter puts all the passwords in his phone but Aaron wants to do something different so he's gonna laser him or some shit."

"Oh Aaron's there?"


"Anyways, what lasers? Those scanner typa things?"

"Yep. Super painful."

Tony wanted to explode with anger. Toomes took notice.

"Did you already use them?"

"I'm pretty sure Aaron's about to but I'm not completely sure."

"Mkay. Give me your location so I can join you guys!"

"Sure. It's the tall building right next to the Dairy Queen. 71st Avenue, northeast. We're in the second floor."

"Ok, see you soon. Oh, and don't use the lasers until I get there! I wanna be there for it."

"Sorry man, apparentley Aaron already used them."

"Oh." He looked up at Tony who looked like a mix of angry, sad and worried.

"Is he...dead?"

"I don't even know man." Jonah laughed. "Uh, nope he's fine I think. Just come down here, you'll see for yourself."

"Kay bye."

"Bye Adri."

The phone hung up.

"Oh my god." Steve muttered, looking at Tony who was in obvious pain.

"Karen take me there."

Before anybody could flinch, Tony was already going to their location.

"Everybody come except Rhodey and Sam, keep an eye on Toomes. Shoot him if he does anything suspicious."

They nodded in agreement.

"Same plan as this morning."

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