Chapter 8

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"The what?" Sam burst out into laughter. "You mean an orange?" He wheezed.

"Shut up Sam!" Tony almost screamed. "Hundreds of innocent people are being murdered!"

Sam would usually say something back but Tony was right. He was being very insensitive.

"Everybody suit up. We're leaving here in a minute sharp." He glanced at Peter. "Including you, Spider-boy."

Everybody shot up, jogging out of the large family room.

Tony took a second to breathe, trying not to panic. It was the Mandarin.
The man that almost killed Tony, Rhodey and Pepper, the man who put Happy in a coma, the man who was supposed to be dead! Tony felt his face get red with anger. How is he still alive?!

Not even a minute had passed and everybody was ready. They all zoomed to the location Friday had given them in a matter of minutes, Tony, Rhodes, Wanda and Peter arriving first.

They were shocked by what they were seeing. Multiple buildings were covered in fire, the thick black smoke stinging their noses.

"Kid, get everybody out of those burning buildings now!" Tony ordered.

Peter instantly began sprinting towards what seemed to be 1 of the three towers to an apartment building and leaped on the side of it. He crawled up, checking the windows for every room. The first 3 floors were clear of people. By the fourth floor, the every room was full. Peter began to panic. The people in the other buildings! They're dying!

He sprinted through the rooms grabbing everybody he could possibly find, injured or not, and bringing them down onto the side of the road, into safety. He must've done it hundreds of times in the matter of 6 minutes. A sense of relief washed over him, multiple people shouting 'thank you' to Spiderman from the road. Peter did a backflip to entertain the small children. He waved to them, feeling accomplished.

The accomplished feeling was instanly followed by panic.

The other towers!

Peter raced to the 2 other buildings on fire, the flames burning brighter and bigger every second. He raced into one of the two remaining as he did before, grabbing everybody. He was terribly out of breath but he didn't stop. His chest was pounding with horrific pain and he was feeling very light headed but he kept on sprinting and webbing, sprinting and webbing. Over and over again.

"Call Tony." He whispered to KAREN.

"Mr. Stark says he's busy at moment. He requests your help."

Peter didn't stop. He needed to get everybody out of the fire now. By the time he reached the top of the second building, all the residents were lying on the ashy floor. Peter nearly screamed, but stopped himself when he realized all of them were still breathing; they were just passed out. He brought them all down to safety, turning to the last tower.

The fire had rose enourmously. Without hesitation, Peter jumped on the side of the building and through the glass of one of the apartment windows. He screamed.

Dead bodies. Everywhere. He went from room to room just to see the same thing over and over again.

"Karen, scan the building for any life." Peter whispered, tears running down his face. He might've just been the cause of hundreds and hundreds of deaths.

"You are the only living person in this building, Peter. There are 600 dead bodies."

Peter shook his head in denial.
"No, no, no." He whispered, running room to room just to find more and more dead bodies. Peter screamed loud, tears pouring down his face, soaking his mask. He ran to the other rooms, flames rising higher and higher.

Peter kept sprinting through the smoke. Just with his luck, his foot got stuck under a fallen pipe. He fell forward, twisting his ankle harshly and hitting his head on the hot wood floor. He could instantly feel a sharp pain in his left ankle that made him yelp through tears.

I am not staying here. I am not dying.

He pulled his foot free, terrible pain shooting up his leg. He screamed a curse.

Come on, Peter. You'll die. You have to get out of that building now.

Peter stood up and winced but he shook his head.

"Peter, you have 30 seconds to get out of the building before the roof collapses on top of you." Karen warned.

No. Not again.

He sprinted down the burning hallway, screaming at the excruciating pain in his ankle and chest. A pain shot in his abdomen but he kept running, eventually jumping through the glass window. He shot a web at the building nearest to him and rolled safely onto the roof.

The firemen were already there, struggling to get the fires out. Peter lay on his back, pulling his mask off and breathing heavily. The air was still full of smoke but way colder than it had been in the tower.
"Karen, am I okay?"

"You seemed to have a torn ligament in your ankle, you have a minor cuncussion, you have 2 broken ribs. Your lungs are full with smoke, I recommend getting to smoke free oxygen now."

"I can't move." Peter whispered.

"Calling Tony."

"Kid?! Where the hell are you? Are you okay?" Tony exclaimed once the call started. His voice was full of worry and panic.

"I don't know." Peter whispered, breathing heavily.

"Peter? Are you hurt badly?" Tony asked, the panic obviously getting more intense. "Peter, where are you?"

"Is everything okay?" Peter asked, tears trickling down his cheeks.

"The Mandarin is dead for good this time. The team has some injuries but they'll be okay. Now, I'm going to ask for the last time, where are you?" Peter could hear the anger and worry in Tony's voice.

"I'm right next to the burning buildings."

"Don't move. I'm coming to get you."

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