(01) I was okay.

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I'm Peridot. Peridot Greene. My name may sound strange, but my mother's name speaks stranger. Her name was Peridotite. That's what peridots are made of. I'm unsure if my dad named me Peridot for a pun or if they like gems. If it were both, I'm very concerned.

It would make sense to say the least. My mother was worth it. Worth the trouble of talking to her. Worth the trouble of befriending her. She taught me so much things that I use until now. She couldn't teach me how the world was so shit though. Everyone's either trash or something else. Friends are ways to get close to me to bully me. No one would stay.

I wouldn't blame them. I deserved it honestly. Their words and actions taught me what my mother couldn't. The world is a shit place. If you get hurt, that didn't matter. If you had a pretty face, it sure as hell did. If you were strong, it wouldn't affect you. If you were talented, it would matter. If I get hurt, it wouldn't matter.

I had nothing special. Besides my intelligence, nothing about me mattered. I was a short and scrawny girl with short blonde hair that was joked to be a Dorito. My parents died when I started high school and I was taken into the Diamond Adoption house.

The Diamond Adoption houses consisted of four branches: White, Yellow, Blue and Pink. Each of these branches specializes in a certain feature. White dealt with talented and potential holding children. They were special in most cases. They had everything I'd wish for. Blue had kids who'd been affected by incidents before they arrived. Depressed, traumatized, anorexic, you name it. The place was somewhat therapeutic. Yellow had me. Yellow had kids who could be something useful at least. Some had strength, some had intelligence. Some had creative minds. Then Pink, it had burned down before. It had the more... "sick" ones. They had people who dealt with problems physically. Some were skinnier than others, some were outcasts. After it burned down, the children got separated into Blue and Yellow.

An example is my best friend, Jasper. Jasper Quartz. She was very different. She loved Pink but things can't stay the same forever. Life was always happening. Jasper was a very loyal person. She's great.

Unlike me.

Until now, college, we're still together. Here at Gem University. Coincidental with our names right?

Back to us, Jasper was very known.

She was tall and tough. She was strong and was often blunt about what she wants. She had a big white mane of hair complemented by her dark skin. Her skin had white patches that resembled scars. She (for some reason) reminded me of a Cheeto puff. If she did, she'd be a big buff Cheeto puff. She was quite scary at times but I was lucky enough to not be a victim of her fists. She was confident in her abilities. She was proud of herself. That was her flaw in a way. Her ego. Her pride. People would sometimes be afraid of her. People also loved her. Unlike me.

I was nerdy. To say the least. I was short and scrawny. I wouldn't talk much unless it was a report. I'd never wanted anything besides a good life. I was fine with being alone. I had short blonde hair as I said before, shaped liked a Dorito. I was never liked by people. I was just an outlet to them for good grades and someone to bully. I was okay with it. I wasn't worth my mother's pain. I wasted time making small circular robots with special AI called Robonoids. I sold them from time to time to make money.

I had a decent life in college, making money, taking advanced technology as a course and surviving college in general. Jasper kept me in check, making sure I don't get bullied as often. I was okay with everything.

That is,



I had a problem I didn't know how to deal with.

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