(10) Attack on Lazuli's.

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It's been some time ever since my encounter with Lapis Lazuli. From what my life had been before, it had become all new like I could restart. It was like my world had allowed itself to turn upside down to her will. From being the loser Peridot, I had become who could touch the untouchable. I had reached what no one has reached. I was friends with Lazuli. It amazed me how people thought I had created this situation for me, it was her who decided to stick with me.

. . .

I served a drink to one of the customers and went inside the staff room, only to be greeted with Amethyst. I sat down on a chair with Amethyst in front of me, in her own chair with only the table between us. I got my phone out and began to open multitudes of social media apps.

"So the myth of Peridot Greene being online 24/7 is true."

"Shut it."

"Can't make me."

"Ugh, fine. I'm only offline when I'm sleeping."

"You sleep?"

"Okay that's it," I stood up and placed my phone in my back pocket of my pants and went back to serving customers.

I was to serve a chai tea latte to a customer then have I realised, it was Lazuli. I walked over to her table and placed her drink down. I turned away and she grabbed my wrist and I went back to face her with a glare.


"Greene," she smirked and let go of her grip on my wrist. "Care to watch CPH later?" I couldn't help but give a small smile.

"My shift'll be done in around 30 minutes."

. . .

We got in my car, I drove and Lazuli sat next to me. She was in charge of music as we drove over to house. As was expected, she played music and I mean, her type of music. She had this weirdly pop-sap playlist. It was really catchy but the lyrics are... post-break up songs. I wouldn't question it but it felt awkward and fluid. I couldn't relate to it. Once we arrived at her house, she got out and I saw her parents open the door. I switched the car off and I got out, keys in hand.

I made my way to the doorstep where Lazuli and her parents had a small chat.

"So this is Peridot." Her mother greeted.

"So you're Lapis's friend?" Her father asked. I could only reply with mutters and stutters.

"Do you have good grades?" Her mother asked.

"Are you good in sports?" Her father as well.

"OKAY, WHY DON'T WE GO INSIDE?" Lazuli asked, dragging me inside with her parents behind her. She dragged me upstairs, shouting back down at her parents, "WE'RE GONNA GO WATCH SOMETHING OKAY?" And with that, I was inside Lazuli's room.

Once we were inside, I sat down on her bed and looked around in awe. The walls were stained a French Navy blue. Her bed was in the upper right if the doorway we had used was down. Her bed had a space blue blanket draped over the chestnut frame of her bed. Opposite to the bed was a TV atop a small table. There was a shelf next to it with CD's, DVD's, and books. She wandered into her room and turned the TV on. She sat down next to me and played Camp Pining Hearts.

. . .

"GODDAMNIT PERCY!" I shouted at the screen while Lazuli had a smug look on her face.

"HUZZAH! Paulette was chosen!" Lazuli smirked which had urged me to hit her. So I did and wiped the look on her face as I hit her with a pillow. I had only this look of satisfaction. "You did not just do that."

"Oh, I did." Was the last thing I said before she hit me with a pillow. I got up, jaunty and hyper, and hit her back.

"This is WAR!" She hit me and I stumbled back.

I clutched a pillow in one hand and hit her back as she hit me. She stumbled back, laughing and snorting occasionally. She stopped after hitting me a few times, bursting with laughter. I was infected by her laugh, I soon caught myself smiling with her. We both were on the bed, Camp Pining Hearts playing on the TV.

"Man you pack a punch despite being small."

"Shuddup." Was all I could reply with before we both bursted laughing.

"Thanks." She said after our laughter had died down and we laid next to each other.

"For what?"


. . .


Also sorry for the shorter chapter I really got nothin

So my posting schedule might get messed up as it is so I'll post every 4-8 days, I have a lot of stuff to do man.

Besides all that, I'm moving on and trying a newer thing so, hope y'all understand.

Always trying,
An uninspired writer, JSLeviathan.

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