What To Say

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Green pov.

Vio slowly drifts off, still very overwhelmed. I nuzzle him, both of us pulling him closer. "Shadow... I don't think it's a good idea to tell Red and Blue... that we're both dating him..." I whisper trying not to wake up this beautiful flower. 

"How come?... I don't want to hide it..." he whispers back knowing he's going to get the short end of the stick. 

"Mainly to keep the chances of them accidentally spilling to a minimum... and because Blue... Blue cares a lot about us. But when he's confused or pissed, he says things... and it really hurts Vio. Blue is trying to fix this, and has given a general apology, but he's not at that point." I tell him, fully picking Vio up.

"...Fine. But the second he is, we tell them. I don't like this. I want to flipping brag about this, for fucks sake!" Shadow tells me, getting up and avoiding eye contact. 

"Shadow... I'm sorry... it's just.... I'm being selfish... sorry, how about we just let Vio decide?" I offer standing up next to him. 

"Thanks... I just hate hiding just part of something..." he avoids eye contact starting to head home.

Arriving he climbs the wall to our room, why? I don't know. Opening the door I realize that Red and Blue are sleeping based on the silence. Shadow should have gotten to carry Vio. Entering our room, I see him lying down. 

"You awake?..." I ask quietly going over. A slight movement indicates it's a fifty, fifty chance.

Sighing I pull the blanket off him, not getting a reaction. So I put Vio beside him. Letting them cuddle in with each other, and finally placing the blanket back over them. Sighing I go over to the next, before feeling Shadow's hand on my wrist. I look back, he shifts slightly, telling me through silent communication to stay in this bed. And I took it, smiling I take it.

Cuddling in slightly, facing away from Shadow I fall asleep.

Saving the Broken (Green x Vio)Where stories live. Discover now