No Knock Knocking Here

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Vio pov.

Shadow kisses my head, and Green hugs me from behind. "You smell so satisfying~" Green tells me pulling me into a strong cuddle. 

I squirm feeling the sweat, "I need to bathe!" I whine but it comes out only half as loud as I wanted to. 

"Vi are you ok?" Shadow asks me making me face him. 

"...I don't know..." I say with a normal talking level of energy but it is barely above a whisper. 

"He lost his voice!" Green says in shock.

"Calm down, we'll say he had a nightmare last night and was screaming, so he went into your room to talk to you" Shadow tells us rubbing my back. 

Green nods kissing my head and pulling me back in to cuddle. 

"We should probably face away from the door, or at the very least me." Shadow announces rotating me and himself over Green.

Which was needed because the door opens less than a middle later, Shadow turns into a shadowy puddle, and Green pushes me off so the maid can't see me. 

"Link the Princess sent me to fetch you and your clones," she announces another not noticing or ignoring the obvious signs of resent sex in the room. 

"Alright, but I should probably take a shower first" he tells her sitting up. 

"The Princess gets rather impatient, best do that afterwards" she advises leaving to the other room.

"You ok Vio?" He picks me back up placing me on the bed. 

"'s Not because of the fall..." I whisper finding that speaking hurts. 

"Shadow could you grab him some clothes," Green asks looking to him, who was getting dress in the tunic he kept in Green's stuff. He nods slipping under the door and into the hall.

As he's coming back I try to stand up, but fall back down in pain. Green blushes while Shadow chuckles passing me my clothes. 

"...How are we suppose to explain the limping?..." I ask holding on to Green as he stands up. Shadow ties a bandage around my ankle, before passing me a small veil of red potion. I gag at its extremely salty and bitter flavor.

Saving the Broken (Green x Vio)Where stories live. Discover now