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~Trigger Warning: Small Mention of Abortion, and I think abortion clashing with religious beliefs, just a warning, and I respect your opinions on the matter.~

It's been around a week now and the two male demigods were packed up and getting ready to head for Camp Jupiter. They were currently hugging Sally and Paul goodbye. Nico was sad to part with the son of Poseidon's family, but he really wanted to start the nursery and other things.

Reyna had scored the two a really nice house. It only had two bedrooms, but it was nicely decorated, and she made sure there was nothing in the second room, Nico made sure of it. He really wanted to decorate the babies room.

Nico would be lying if he didn't admit to the increasing amount of pain he was in sometimes. It would be random. They weren't like contractions, he knew that much, it was just sometimes the pain got a little worse and more noticeable. He hid it pretty well, but if he stood to long, his feet word become sore and jolts of pain would shoot through him. If he sat down for to long, he got a horrible feeling in his back. Even if he laid in the same position for to long, his body would just hurt.

So, to say he was excited for the drive to New Rome would be a gigantic lie. He knew it would be pain, but he just expected it. Jason was going along with them since he needed to go to New Rome anyway. He was just going to fly, but he volunteered to help them. He knew Nico, rather the son of Hades knew it himself, wouldn't want to drive, and Percy would eventually get tired, so it was good to have enough drivers.

Jason was currently packing everything away in the car as the two other demigods finished their goodbyes. Sally kissed Nico's cheek, and he went into the back of the car. He didn't want to sit in the front, he could easily get motion sickness. He didn't want to puke anymore than he already did.

Nico walked into the car and checked in his backpack. He made sure he had the nectar and a bag of goldfish.

Moments later, Percy climbed into the drivers side, he would start driving first. The car was cranked and Nico pulled out a sketchpad and began to draw a tree. It was just what came to mind. It was 4AM and now one wanted to really conversate.

Percy had given up caffeine. He did it for Nico. He said if Nico had to, Percy would try. It wasn't only coffee. If Nico couldn't have it, Percy refused it, the son of Hades told the other boy he was being stupid and 'for the love of the gods, drink the damn coffee,'

Yet, it was the same response. "Nope,"

Nico silently scoffed at the thought, and watched the tired boy drive. The three children of the big three crossed multiple gas stations and buildings and the son of Hades had given up drawing and the three were all starting conversations. It was a long drive to Camp Jupiter, and there was no point in staying silent.

"And then, wabam, I just fucking fell, and it hurt like a bitch, It's going to scar," Jason says, finishing the story about the time he had fallen off the climbing wall. He showed the cut and it was going to scar. "I mean, I know I can fly, but I had just forgotten at the moment, and now I have yet another scar,"

Nico let out a small laugh. He was very uncomfortable and wanted nothing more than to lay down, or change his position in the car, but he hated to draw attention to his pregnancy. So instead, he sat a little awkwardly in the back of the car, hoping his bump wasn't as noticeable as possible.

His bump was very annoying and strange. When it was a small little bump on his tummy, it was wonderful, but now, he hated it. It was the elephant in the room. Nico had a bump that anyone who could see through the mist could see from a mile away.

Conversation varied until around 12. It was hours of non-stop driving for Percy, and now everyone was getting hungry. Everyone was debating what to eat. The son of Hades knew what he wanted. He wanted McDonalds. Though, he refused to say it because then the other two would also agree, even if they didn't want it, Nico didn't want to play the pregnancy card.

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