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~Trigger Warning: Slight Homophobia~

After both the boys showered, they fell asleep together, arms and feet tangled with each other's and the sheets. Nico hadn't felt this warm and safe in a long time. It was nice to wake up next to someone, not just someone, but Percy Jackson, instead of waking up alone.

As Nico slowly opened his eyes, he decided he wasn't in exactly a hurry, so he closed them again, snuggling himself closer to Percy's side, a hand laid on his baby bump as their daughter began kicking, well 'began' wouldn't be the word for it. More like, continued sense the little ray of sunshine wouldn't stop kicking Nico all night.

It was seriously becoming a pain, but then all Nico had to do was think of the sweet little baby girl and then, the pain wouldn't stop, but he could manage a little better. Nico kissed Percy's bare chest, smiling to himself at the fact he was sleeping next to Percy fucking Jackson.

"G'mornin'" Percy smiled, nnuzzling his head into Nico's hair, making the son of Hades smile lightly.

The pale boy yawned. "Morning," Percy wrapped his hands around Nico's hips, making the son of Hades feel insecure. While he loved his bump, it was different. He was a boy, he had always been a boy, he looked like a boy, and he was happy about that, but for some reason, he did get pregnant, and he still didn't know why, but all he knew was he was insecure about the growing bump on his stomach.

Percy clearly picked up on this because he kissed Nico's forehead. "I find it beautiful, stop, please,"

Nico just blushed and snuggled closer to Percy, the son of Poseidon smiling happily. "How'd you sleep," came a low voice slightly above Nico, belonging to Percy. Nico decided that he was going to lie, because the truthful answer would be horrible, but Percy didn't need to know that.

"Okay," Nico lied, "You?"

"Pretty okay," He said, kissing Nico's forehead again. The two demigods sat in comfortable silence, neither one of them wanting to get up, but there was currently a baby pushing down on Nico's bladder which made the entire situation bittersweet.

"What do you want for breakfast?" Percy asked, his hand rubbing soothing circles on the small of Nico's back.

Nico let out a small little laugh, more of a giggle. "Nothing you make,"

Percy let out a laugh. "I am so hurt," He said sarcastically. "I just, I don't know what to do, I am such an amazing chef that -"

"My greatest apologies, but I don't feel like getting food poisoning, now, scootch over," Nico says, removing Percy's hand, but Percy just relocated it and held on tighter.

"I don't want you to go!" Percy laughed. "I'll get cold,"

"Use a blanket," Nico said, reaching around and finding the balled up, navy blue comforter and throwing it on the son of Poseidon.

"The blanket's cold," Percy complained, but releasing his grip on Nico either way.

"To bad," Nico laughed as he walked into the bathroom. He quickly peed, before washing his hands, throwing on some black pajama pants to add with his black shirt. He really needed to expand his color choices.

He walked into the kitchen looking for food because he knew Percy would burn the entire house down if he didn't make breakfast. Percy truly wasn't the best at cooking.

He decided on making french toast, he grabbed bread, eggs, milk, cinnamon, and the other ingredients required to make the delicious food that his mother made every Saturday. He turned on the stove, putting a pan on top of the burner. He mixed the ingredients, dipped the bread in, and placed them on the pan.

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