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"If you don't mind, I'm going to see what's going on down - there," Kate said, Nico was panicking to say the least, everything hurt and everything felt wrong.

But at the same time, it all felt right.

Almost like what was happening was natural, but not normal.

Even with that, it didn't stop from how bad it hurt. Every time he got what he could only assume be a contractions, he would literally feel like death was coming for him.

He felt like he was going to die, like he was not going to survive.

I mean, he had been through Tartarus and back, but he still felt nothing but blinding pain, and to put it short terms, he felt like he was literally splitting in two. Not to be like dramatic or anything.

"Usually, before you got this far, we would consider an epidural, but you seem to be pretty dilated from the amount of research I've read up on, and it's too late now,"

Nico didn't even know how to react to that. Everything was going wrong, he wasn't supposed to do this yet, and when he did, it would be planned, and calm, and he would have a mother fucking epidural.

"Okay, so while you guys were gone, I had done research, and well, a case hasn't gotten this far, but from what I've read, and the demigod's who found the research and made predictions, everything seems to be going ... as expected, but I just -" Kate began, but was cut off when Nico let out another scream of pain.

That bullshit about breathing in all the books?

yeah. it's fucking bullshit.

The last thing Nico was thinking. All he could think about was the blinding pain he felt. It hurt, he felt like he was literally going to be two sides, and never be able to be sewn back together.

He wanted to get everything over with.

It felt like it has been forever and Nico felt like he was going to puke. Over the last few months, he had grown very used to that feeling and he knew what it was like. He tried his best to gesture that he was about to happen and just in time, Percy had noticed. He sprung into action, grabbing a bucket that was in the corner on a desk and bringing it closer to Nico's mouth.

Between the pain he was feeling in his abdomen and the feeling he had in his throat, he was surprised he wasn't crying. The son of Hades grabbed the blue bin and brought it as close as possible as he puked everything he had ate up.

Percy took the bin away once Nico was finished, placing it by the sink, and immediately going back to stand next to him. They locked hands and Percy brought his other one into the mess of dark hair atop Nico's head.

Everything was so hectic. Nico was trying to catch his breath, Kate was checking everything out, worried about when they'd be able to see Zoella's head, because if it was this painful now, when they canal that was being created actually began to stretch wide enough for a child's head to come through, Nico was going to go through hell.

During this hectic time, Percy was just trying to be there in the best way he could.

He loved Nico, so much. Percy hated seeing his boyfriend in so much pain. He wanted to do as much as he could, the son of Poseidon just watched as the other males face contorted with pain, he watched as he tried to calm his breathing and he watched the tired look of pure exhaustion swiped over his face after the waves of pain subsided.

And he couldn't do a single thing about it.

He felt so useless.

He wanted to help calm him down, but he didn't exactly know what to say in a situation like this. He couldn't really understand what Nico was going through, not in the slightest.

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