In the morning we all got up and had deer and potato stew before the journey. After we had all eaten we mounted our horses Arion was having a very good day. He was responding well and seemed to know that he had to be silent and fast. We began to emerge from the forest after three hours. This journey didn't seem as long as the journey to the camp.
We cantered across the stone bridge which would lead us to the town. A few soldiers had taken different path, because they lived dotted around Britain. We did eventually get to our home town. It was a relaxed time of day. It was hard to believe we left this place one year ago, it had seemed long since we had seen all the wooden side by side houses. We dismounted our horses and tied them to a fence. I knocked on the door of my childhood house. The door swung open and my mother stood there. She flung her arms around me, "Praise the Lord" she gasped "Your alive, my little Arianna" she pulled away "Did you escape?" she asked anxiously, I shook my head "I saved the king" she hugged me again "You make me prouder everyday" I rolled my eyes and laughed. "How's Owen?" I asked kindly "He's got a job, he's the Prince's manservant" I grinned "That's great!" my mother cleared her throat "He's also in love, with Sofia Ryder" I smiled. "They want to get married, but the law says he needs to be able to support her. And frankly, he can't." I frowned at this. Stupid laws! If two people were in love they should be allowed to marry.
Then from behind us "Arianna Roe" a voice sounded, I turned. It was the prince and my brother was behind him. "Hi Owen" I smirked as I looked around the prince. "You saved my father's life" the prince said thankfully, yet sarcasticlly. How is it even possible for those two to mix? "I thank you greatly, I will grant you one thing" I thought about it "Pay my brother more." I smiled. "And who would your brother be?" I smirked. "Your manservent, the one behind you." The prince pulled an expression of dislike. He walked off. "Thanks sister." Owen smiled.