(00.00) wedding

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you stared at yourself in the mirror. it was unbelievable that this day was truly coming true. most of your teenage life had been spent obsessing over hannah baker's life but today it was about you and the man behind that door who was going to be your husband. the feeling was euphoric and your stomach was filled with butterflies.

"you look beautiful baby" your mother who was going to walk you down the aisle sighed. her eyes were filling up with tears.

you smiled at her "if you cry i'm gonna cry!" you whined. her arms interlocked with yours and your father finally appeared. he froze staring at you, his little girl in the gorgeous gown.

"dad are you okay?" you asked him and he turned away wiping down his tears. then turning back to you he pursed his lips and you interlocked your other arm with him. the security team opened the doors and 'river flows in you' began to play as you walked down feeling ur gown cascade to the white carpet rolled down for this occasion.

he stared at you with wide eyes as if you were the most beautiful angel he had ever seen. you couldn't believe how luck you are. he looked so handsome in his black tuxedo that he had just a week ago protested on wearing saying it made him look like a nerd. his hair was gelled and combed and his cheeks were so red and he couldn't stop staring at you.

he wiped a tear of his eye as you approached him. he extended his hand and you slowly walked up i front of him "you are a good guy jeff atkins but if you hurt my angel i will not hesitate hurting you" your father joked or so you hoped.

the ceremony began and then it was time to say your vows "jeff when i first met you I couldn't take my eyes of you. and every day since then i have never taken my eyes of you. you are incredible and every day i learn something new about you. you have made me discover so many things about myself and in you i found the love that i thought didn't exist and atkins looking at you right now i know i have made the right decision in choosing to spend the rest of my life with you. you loved me when i was convinced the world was trying to divide us. i love you i love you i love you i will never be able to say that enough."

he looked at me his eyes filling with tears "when i saw you walking down that aisle i couldn't believe it. I couldn't believe that someone so spectacular as you was going to spend her life with me. i cannot promise you everyday is going to be perfect but i will promise a lifetime of happiness. you pull out the best parts of me we have the most chaotically beautiful relationship and i love how goof you are, how you make me dance like a dork in public. you have two left feet but to me you still know how to dance. thank you for allowing me just a small town kid who kind of knows how to baseball take a swing at something like this. i'm so goddamn lucky baby i love you so much and thank you for being my angel through the darkness"

i was amazed at his words, how was i this lucky. "too bad it's too late" jeff added and i looked at him confused and suddenly i was at a funeral and everyone was weeping. and there was jeff his face with no colour but pure white.

then i woke up. it was all a dream and jeff was gone. it was just a fantasy and that's all it will ever be.

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i would like to thank danieIgillies for
this book's new beautiful cover. i love you
babe thank you so so much !!

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