Chapter I

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"Living in the centre of London is a total mistake! I want to go home, mom! " shouted Lila on the phone.

"You can't Lila, you must finish first of all, University !" Responded her mom.

"I want to quit University, mom! Why are you forcing me to study something that I don't even like?! Why can't I choose?! "

"I want the best for you, Lila... And if you did choose, what would you have chosen?! Journalism ?! You can't! You'll not gain enough money in your

life if you are a journalist!!"

"I don't care about money, I just want to be happy and study something that will make me happy! Why can't you understand that?! " screamed Lila .

"Lila, please stop. Your father and I worked so hard to gain money even if we didn't like what we studied in University. Look where you live! You have a nice, spacious flat. I didn't have the chance to have that, so stop complaining yourself and enjoy what you have! Now that you finished you're 3rd year, you have only 2 years left, so be patient and try your best to pass!" Responded her mom who took a calm voice.

"Okay mom, I'll try... I miss you and dad too..."

"We miss you too, darling. Love you ! Hope to see you during the summer! Bye!"

"I'll try, Love you too!"

Every week was the same. Lila hated University, she was the only who worked hard and never went out to party. But tonight, school is over, she changed her plan...

•Lila's POV

I took a shower to calm myself, the hot water made me relax. I prepared myself, a bit of make up, not too much, just natural and I made a ponytail with my long brown hair. I put my black skinny jeans, a pink pastel blouse and a black leather jacket and my favourite shoes, my Dr. Martens Oxford shoes. I called my best friend, Jill, to go out with me in a pub or at a party, I don't care the place I was going too. I know that it's really stupid but tonight I want to get drunk and have fun and not care about studies... Someone knocked the door, I'm sure is Jill. I opened the door and she jumped on me.

"Heeeeyyyy, ready for tonight ?! Oh my god, I'm soo happy we'll go out together!!" Screamed Jill.

"Hahaha, Jill calm down, it's not a big deal! "

"It is! You never go out! Come on, we must not waste time, the taxi is waiting for us!"

She grabbed my hand and took me outside of my flat. I closed the door and took the elevator, we were checking our make up to the mirror and went inside the taxi.

"Where are we going, Mister Coco ?" I asked her

"Mister Kiwi, we are going to a party!"

"Where exactly, Mister Potato ?"

"At my brother's university, he said everybody can come so, we are going there, Mister Watermelon!!"

We laughed all the way. I think the taxi driver thought we are crazy, but I don't care. We are weird and we like that.


•Author's note

I'm sorry for my english, I hope you'll understand. I prefer to write in english because it's more fun :3

So, about the first chapter, what do you think ? Let me know by the comments (positive and negative but don't be rude, please, thank you :). I really hope you liked it ;)

And if you want to give me some ideas, advices, I'll be happy to read them.

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