Chapter 2 - First Day Back

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Adelyn's POV

My friends and I went to the library door, and just as I was about to walk out the door, older kids were messing around the exit and accidentally pushed me. I fell back and two hands caught my arms before I fell.
"Are you alright Adelyn?" Oh. My. God. I knew that voice, it belonged to the one and only... Orlando Di Leijo.

"Yeah, thanks Orlando." I smiled, thanking him.

He helped me regain my balance and let go, a little reluctantly, if I may say so. We shared a long five second glance, until I realised my friends were waiting for me. I walked outside, grabbed my bag, and walked with my friends going to the Auditorium, to get sorted into our classes. Along the way, I kept thinking about my decision. Do I choose to be oblivious, or aware?

Oh no. You have got to be kidding me. Di Leijo, is in the same major classes I am! Oh this is a nightmare. I don't even like him, and I'm pretty sure he likes me.

"Hey, Adelyn, fancy meeting you here" said a familiar voice.

"Kaleb?" I shockingly say as I smiled, "I didn't know you go here."

"Well, now ya do." he smiled,
"And, I'm in all your major classes too." he informed.

"Great." I smiled, and I see from the corner of my eye, Orlando staring at us talking... which again, brings me to the same oblivious or aware decision.

"I see Orlando's been staring at us for quite a bit." Kaleb whispered.

"Yeah, I think that he may like me, but the thing is that I don't like him." I whisper back.

"I'm pretty sure he likes you too, but just don't lead him on." Kaleb advised.

It was pretty obvious advice...

"Kaleb, I wouldn't dare lead anyone on!" I glared at him as he shrugged and walked away. Rude...

Orlando's POV

This is great, I am in the same major classes as Adelyn! Right, heading off to English first. I stand with my best friend Dexter Firman, who doesn't know about Adelyn and I plan to keep it that way. Dex doesn't really have a knack for secrets... I learnt that the hard way.

When I'm in line, well, on the balcony outside the classroom, I see this blonde dude, going up to Adelyn and start talking to her. I can't really contain this uneasy feeling. No, there's nothing to be jealous of Orlando, he's not the one who helped Adelyn in the library earlier, sharing a five second stare into each others eyes. Wait, hold up, he's walking away from her, and now he's walking towards me...

"Hi, I'm Kaleb" he introduced, putting his hand out.

"Orlando" I said, accepting his handshake.

"So you new here?" I ask.

He shook his head and laughed. What's so funny?

"No, I've been here as long as you have and I've just been in different classes to you for the past three years.

"Oh" I say.

Fortunately the teacher swung the door open to let the class in and that stopped the awkward conversation. Unfortunately, Dex, Kaleb and I were the last ones in, and had to sit in the three seater at the back. Dex and Kaleb had gotten along during English... unfortunately. Should I warn Kaleb about Dex's incapability to keep secrets? Nah, I'll let him figure that out himself. So I was actually doing more work than I normally would. Okay that was a lie, I was actually looking more at Adelyn than I normally would. I didn't realise how much I liked her...

Adelyn's POV

I calmly exit English, with the same ignore or be aware decision, because Orlando was staring at me more than usual during the whole period. I walk into the next classroom, which is Italian in this school curriculum.

"Hey, Orlando you're here too?" I shot my head at Kaleb, and slowly turned my head to where he was looking and saw Orlando talking to Kaleb? I quickly turned my head back to Nicolette who was just looking at Kaleb.

"Nico, you alright? Looks like you just saw a cute puppy." I commented.

"Hah, that's an accurate description of what I just saw.." she replied, with a big smile.

"Let me guess, is it Kaleb?" I asked.

"Maybe.." she blushed, "I mean, look at him, he's perfect."

"Aww, Nico, I'm going to get you and Kaleb together!" I stated.

"Wait what?" Nico snapped out of her daydream and as soon as I was walking toward Kaleb.

We had to enter the classroom, and Nico pulled me back, I could see the flames of passive anger dance in her eyes. What a plan backfire.


After Italian, came recess. After recess came an elective, which was photography, oh, and guess who is in it? Orlando Di Leijo... great! He's going to fall for me even more if I don't do something to make him not like me... Then after photography, is Adelyn standing on one side of History class, whilst Kaleb was on the opposite side of the classroom. The teacher, Miss Farentine, gave us an instruction. Miss Farentine liked to play games, especially ones she makes herself... she isn't exactly crafty, but it beats having to do work. So she chose two people, preferrably a boy and a girl to stand on opposite sides of the classroom. The class gets to ask them questions. If they answered, they can step forward, if they didn't they have to stay put. The questions were directed to both of the players. The first one to get to the other's wall wins. Miss Farentine also added in a new rule the questions must relate to a certain topic. Today's was, urgh.. relationships. Many questions were asked, and answered by Kaleb, but I didn't want Kaleb to win, so I braced myself and got my competitive side on.

"What is the name of the last person you dated?" a question was called out, and in the corner of my eye, I saw Orlando with a small worried expression...

I can't very well give my answer, because it's nobody, and I'm not so keen on the class knowing about that. So I didn't step forward.. To my surprise, Kaleb walked forward and answered.

"No one" he answered.

Seriously no one? I looked around the class and nobody reacted the way I thought they would... I could've stepped forward! Oh well. As soon as the last question was answered, by me, I was the first one to touch the wall. I won, hah!


"Well history's over, and lunch is here!" I announced as my friends and I all go to a specific place, away from the people, and ate lunch.

Science, was our last subject on a Tuesday afternoon, according to the new timetable. Wow, year nine went so quickly... and I'm already fifteen! Woah. We were allowed to pick our seats, so that was good. Mr Jones was just about to start teaching, when there was a knock on the door.

"Ahh, that must be the new student." he announced.

What? New student? Why are they coming so late in the day? What the hell? As Mr Jones opened the door, a familiar face walked into the room...

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