Chapter 12 - 'Operation Adelyn'

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Adelyn's POV

"She believed the story about my mother, so she's certainly as gullible as you said she is. Easily manipulated." I heard Eddie say, as I hide behind the brick wall.

"Well, since you're expelled, my father will have to find another recruit to give the girl the rest of the serum." I hear another voice. I poke my head out a little to see who Eddie was talking to. It was Hayden. Kade's brother. The serum? Eddie was trying to give me more of the serum?

"Also, your brother and his other friends are onto the Demon Eyes Project." Eddie informed. Project?

"I knew he knew something, but he doesn't know everything right?" Hayden asked, "He doesn't know about our connection with the Project?"

"I think he just suspects something" Eddie answers. Kade and the others know about Demon Eyes? Does Kade know more than they think he does?

"You can go back to Father now, Eddie" Hayden dismissed. With that, Eddie walked away. I then processed the information through my head..

"I need to apologise to him.." I turn on my heel walking toward where I last saw him. But he wasn't there.

"Kale, where's Kade?" I asked.

"English stairs." He informs me, "Kadelyn goals!"

Kaden's POV

So the plan was a success, if a drink was given to Addy, Nico would scare both of us, and I was to get scared and knock the drink out of her hands and onto the floor, just in case it was filled with the serum. If I told her, things would've been different. She would've understood. But I'm worried if she does know, everything, it'd be too much for her to take in.

"Kade?" I put my hand on his shoulder, "I'm sorry"

I lift my head toward the sound of her voice and give her a small smile. I forgive her. I fear that if I was to say anything else, she'll start feeling bad and cry.

"I should've listened to you. Turns out, Eddie's mother isn't working her butt off as he made me believe.." I softly chuckle at my gullibility.

"You didn't know"

She rests her head on my shoulder, as I rest my head on hers, we sat in silence.


I hitched a ride in Lando's car again, father told me I could spend my time at Lando's. I bet that man is up to something, and it ain't good. Orlando's brother had a special tool he bought online that can hear things from a far distance. The gadget looked like a miniature satalite dish with earphones attached. Seems too real to be just $40 online. We pointed the dish at my house, directly opposite Lando's. Handy.

"Son, what news have you brought home."

"Eddie didn't complete his mission. He got expelled."

"What?! How can this be!?."

"It was Kaden. Eddie thinks he suspects us, and that his other friends are in on it too."

"Kaden? Suspecting us? Hah, that's nonsense son. He couldn't even suspect a cat with two heads."

"As you know, Adelyn's father took more money than I thought he did. Now, make sure he pays for it by converting all his children into full demons. Starting with Adelyn."

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