Chapter 19 - First Kiss

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Adelyn's POV

Sitting on my bed, beside Kade was peaceful, calm and at the same time, my heart was racing, and my mind was going crazy. Being Kade's girlfriend wasn't really a change, but it was also a huge jump from being one of his best friends. I glance at my knight in shining armour, to see him shed a single tear. As if it were programmed, my hand instantly cupped his cheek, wiping away the drop of sadness which leaked out of his glistening brown eyes.

"Kade.." I sighed, my eyes welling up, "what's wrong?"

He shakes his head, blinking as another tear fell for me to wipe away. I meet his sorrowful gaze once more, to fully comprehend the reason behind it. Suddenly, all the pieces come together to form a completed puzzle.

"Oh.." I pull him into a tight hug, as I let a tear fall as a condolence to his father and brother.

If he doesn't get upset, then I'd think there was something wrong.. Hayden's always been so caring to Kade when he was younger and so was his father, before his uncle got involved. I understand what part of them he's mourning for. The humans before they were possessed by a demonic evil.

Kaden's POV

My eyes flutter open, to reveal a sleeping brunette in my arms. My eyes focus on her face, as I recognise her to be Addy. My Addy. I stroke her hair, thinking of how lucky I was to meet her. To be her friend. And now, to call her mine, and have her safe in my arms.


My head snaps to the bedside table, where my phone started ringing from. With Addy in my arms, still sound asleep, I reach for my phone, trying not to move too much in fear of waking her up. My fingers manage to grip my phone, just in time for me to pick up. Bringing it up to my ear, I answer,


"Yo, Kade I'm having a movie night tonight with the group. You and Ads up for it?" Lando invites us.

"Yeah, sure. If she doesn't have any plans for tonight, we're more than happy to. I would ask now, but she's kind of sleeping right now"

"Don't wake her up. If you value your life. The last time I accidentally woke Rosie, I had to buy her favourite food to cheer her back up. Anyway, if you're coming, come at around six to six thirty. You don't have to bring anything, but you can if you want"

"Copy that"

"See you. Maybe"

"See you. Maybe" I repeat, hanging up.

"You might wanna get ready for movie night at Lando's. We're leaving at five fourty" Addy informs, getting up and out of her room. Leaving me speechless.

Since when has she gotten so smooth?

Orlando's POV

Waiting for Rosie and Rick to arrive, I comb my hair and wear Rosie's favourite pastel pink scrunchie around my wrist. Which I technically didn't steal if I took his from her hair and she said 'don't lose that scrunchie Orlando Di Leijo, or I will literally not talk to you for a whole entire month'. She technically gave it to me.. so I wear it like every single day, even to bed. What? She told me not to lose it..

"Orrie!" I sprint to my front door, unlocking it, revealing the girl of my dreams, who just so happens to be my absolutely breathtaking girlfriend.

"My Lady," I bow opening the door for her.

"My Prince" she pecks my cheek, walking in, with two bags of popcorn.

"Lando," Rick holds his hand out, as I clap our hands together, in an arm wrestling position, bringing him into a one armed hug, as he does the same.

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