Chapter 1 - Her Story

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Adelyn's POV

The last thing I knew was that I was with my sister, when we were in the cathedral. She said something about demons and me? Why was she talking about demons and me in the same sentence? And why can't I feel my body?

"Ow, my head" I spoke aloud.

"Miss Van Emers, you're awake, finally" said a figure slowly walking from the shadow.

"F-Father Michael?" I called, recognising the figure, "why am I here? Where's my sister?"

"All will be revealed. In good time" Father Michael replied.

Father Michael then helped me out of the cathedral and drove me to an old warehouse. Amelia was waiting outside with her car parked on the grass. Father Michael parked his car right next to hers, and got down. I then got out of the car, confused as to what was going on.

"Ads, we need you to co-operate with the people you're gonna meet. They'll help you with it." Amelia explained.

"You see, your father was a good man, but as a gambling addict, he borrowed money from the wrong person. That cost him his own life, and half of his second-born daughter." Father Michael explained.

I stared at Father Michael in shock. Half of me? What the hell?

"Exactly what the hell going on?" I asked, hoping it's not some kind of disease or sickness.

"Well, yesterday night, some demon looking figure broke into our house and injected some kind of purple serum in you, and then funnily enough, he glared at me with red eyes and flew off." Amelia informed.

"Which, your father had warned me about, what the demon injected in you was, in fact a demon converting serum, Adelyn has chances of losing it and regaining her normality. Adelyn, this serum is called 'Demon Eyes'. Since you have taken half of the serum, every thirteenth day of the month at 1300 hours, your eyes will turn red, which is a warning that your demonic change will occur." Father Michael explained.

This is all too much, for me to take in, I still feel my body aching, and my head is pounding. I think I'm going to faint.

"Ads!" Is that last thing I heard as I fainted.


As I regained my consciousness, I heard distinct voices. I opened my eyes and Amelia talking to a strange woman. As soon as Amelia saw me, she rushed to me.

"Ads, this is Mistress Vatana, she will help you through demon eyes." Amelia explained, "I have to go, Artie said there's an emergency, I love you Ads."

"Love you too Lia." I hugged my sister, as she left the warehouse.

"Hello, Adelyn, welcome to the Demon Eyes Warehouse. Don't fret, everyone here is your friend, I'll make sure of that." Mistress Vatana smiled.

Only one month left until school starts. I can learn how to get my Demon Eyes under control right? I have four weeks, should be a piece of cake.

"Ow, nope, not a piece of cake" I spoke aloud grunting at the lingering pain on my left hip.

"Oh my god, I'm so sorry!" apologised a boy running towards me like I've just been hit in the hip with a golfball. Oh right.. I have.

"Not a problem for me, but maybe for my hip" I replied, still grunting at the pain. The boy took the golfb-
"Holy Moly, that ain't no golfball mate" I exclaimed looking at the size of it, "Damn, it's ten times bigger than a regular golfball! Are you trying to kill me man?"

"No, please accept my apology, I'm so very sorry" he apologised again.

"Dude, it's not a big deal. I'm A-Okay" I assured gesturing an 'OK' sign. Actually, I was okay... I looked at the boy and he started to laugh.
"What's so funny?" I asked, bluntly.

"You, hah I'm guessing ya new to your Demon Eyes. Your body becomes less 'humany' hah, if you know what I mean. Here let me help you. I'm Kaleb. Kaleb Elsen" he introduced, smiling at me.

When I just looked blandly at him, and raised an eyebrow, taking a glance, nodding at his hand as he kept his hand out.

"Ya know, it would be nice if you would shake my hand." he spoke.

"Adelyn Van Emers." I introduced, shaking his hand.

"So, Adelyn, when did you get injected with the serum from hell?" he asked.

"Last night. My sister said a demon like figure broke into our house and injected it." I told him.

"I was injected two weeks ago, and my brother said the same." He informed.

"Of course you didn't see the figure and had no memory of that night too I suppose?" I asked.

"Yeah, Mistress Vatana says that the serum makes you forget the moment you were injected." He says.

I was just about to answer him, until Mistress Vatana called us all in for lessons to control our demon eyes.


Three weeks flew by like it was nothing, and well turns out, it was a piece of cake to control my Demon Eyes. With a bit of Kaleb's help admittedly.. Mistress Vatana said something about never telling anybody about this, and to go straight to the warehouse every thirteenth of every month. I could skip school every thirteenth, Demon Eyes has one pro so far.

I walked into the school gates and entered school grounds. Ahh, oh how I've missed this place, welcome back to educational prison Adelyn! I hope that was sarcasm Ads...

"Ads!" Called out my best friend Nicolette Taylors, "Oh, it's been too long. Anyway, the others are in the library, so let's go."

I followed Nico to the library where I could feel eyes on me. I shifted my eyes to the left and no one was looking, but then I turned my head to the left and caught them, or rather him. The boy who had kept quiet his whole life. The boy who had no popularity, and is surrounded by nothing but popularity. Orlando Di Leijo. As soon as I caught his blue eyes, he immediately looked away. I do not know what to think right now. Do I read his signs saying he likes me, or do I ignore it?

"Ads!" My friends called, I walk over to them and give tham all a big hug. Aww, I feel bad for keeping secrets from them. But it's for the best. They can't know about my Demon Eyes. I then zone out for a while, but soon realise that I was unintentionally looking at the direction of Orlando Di Leijo.

"Ads, what are you looking at?" Nico asked. My head shot at Nico.

"Oh, I was just looking at this book over here" I lied, going the the book right in front of me, and reading the cover.

"Smartest Inventions" I read.

"Oh, wow Ads, I think we have Google for that, and for being one as well.." Nico commented.

I put the book back on the shelf. Just as I was about to say something, when the bell rang. My friends and I went to the library door, and just as I was about to walk out the door, older kids were messing around the exit and accidentally pushed me. I fell back and two hands caught my arms before I fell.

"Are you alright Adelyn?" Oh. My. God. I knew that voice, it belonged to the one and only...

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