~~Chapter one~~

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"Ughhh," I yawned as I awoke. "Today is going to be a 'fun-filled' day."

"Anna! It's time for your first day of 11th grade," my mother practically sang.

I sighed as I laid back down and swung my hands behind my head.


After I picked out a rather 'cute' outfit, I went downstairs for a horrendous breakfast. Especially since I have an annoying, four year old brother. my first conversation started with my brother saying, "Why is sissy wearing that weird costume?"

"Sweetie, she's just being a bad girl," my father said directing the statement at me.


As soon as I got to Cornelius High School, I sat in the back of home room and slouched over in my desk, hoping not to be noticed.

The teacher went on and on about rules and regulations, but lucky for me we had no dress code.

"Today is going to be a great day," I thought.

'Brrring!' The bell finally rang. we all rushed out of the classroom ,and I headed to my advanced physics class.

On went the same routine, but as Mrs. Hofferner started class, a handsome, yet dangerous looking guy walked in.

"Wow, today is going to be a great day," I said without noticing how loud I was.

Everyone laughed, and the teacher demanded silence then told the boy to sit anywhere ,and to never be late again.

He scoured the room with his dreamy, soft blue eyes, with every girl gazing at him hoping he would notice and sit next to them.

His eyes then met mine ,and I immediately blushed and hid begin my hands.

He got closer and closer, until he stopped and sat in an empty chair between me and the wall. (I think so no other girls could speak to him.)I then suddenly felt 11 girls hatred at the same time.

For about 34 minuets, I didn't pay attention to class, I just stared at the chalk board asking myself questions.

"Why did he sit next to me out of all the desks? Did he only sit here because of what I was wearing? Was he at all attracted to me? Or for that matter, was he single?"

These questions were burning inside of me until the teacher turned to the board. Then the guy leaned over and whispered in my ear, "Hey, I'm Hans. And you are?"

I almost screamed at the sound of his voice.

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