~~Chapter Seven~~

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"Oh Hans, your so amazing. I'm so happy I have you and only you," I say hypnotized by his charm.

"Me too, but we can't date anymore."

"What!? Why would you say that?! Even after we worked all of our problems out?"

"Anna, I still want to protect you! I can't let you ruin your life because of me."

"How does loving you and every second we spend together ruin my life?"

"We already went over this! Anna I want to spend every waking moment with you, but your parents won't let us, and you know that!"

"But Hans they will let me spend everyday with someone like Kristoff. They would even let me marry him if he asked me right now! They just want you to be out of my life! How could you be on their side?"

"Anna, you know I'm not on the side that ripped me apart from you. Just please move on I can't see you hurting like this anymore."

"Hans I called you for a reason. Now please let me tell you something."

"Okay what is it?"

"I went on a date with Kristoff."


"Hold on I'm not done. It was horrible, I couldn't stop thinking about you and he wasn't my type and never will be."

"Your point is?"

"Well, I told my parents I was going on another date with him later this week and I thought maybe instead we could go out. See you this Saturday?"

"Anna, of course. But you can't tell anyone, and you won't do anything stupid to get back at your parents. Deal?"


"And I'm sorry but I have to ask. Why did you go out with Kristoff anyway?"

"Oh, ya Elsa made me. And I didn't want to hurt her feelings."

"That's sounds like my sweet Anna."


The next day at lunch, I dreaded having to sit with Kristoff and Elsa when all I wanted to do was go to Lover's Lake and be with Hans.

I just put my chin atop my hand that was curled into a fist, and stared at Hans while Elsa ranted on about my date with Kristoff. I just nodded along as Kristoff answered her questions and blushed.

"Hey!" Elsa exclaimed, "Why aren't you two sitting on the same side of the table? Kristoff be a gentleman and get your butt over there,"

When Kristoff sat down next to me, I snapped out of my daze and put my hand to my chest. He had sat down so fast he scared me a little.

"Oh you two lovebirds need to hold hands!" Elsa kept shoving Krisoff down my throat without realizing it. But then Kristoff blushed again and we brought our hands together as our fingers intertwined.

"Better, but you still haven't kissed!" Elsa just wouldn't stop.

Instead of blushing, Kristoff's eyes widened ( As did mine ).

"Oh, Anna is it okay with you?" Kristoff asked politely.

"Of course she's fine with it! You guys are together now!" Elsa ranted.

"Ya it's okay, I guess." I mumbled.

I think Kristoff wasn't sure how to kiss because he waited for me to make the next move. I puckered my lips and leaned in. Elsa also leaned over the table slightly. Then I closed my eyes so I could imagine Hans' face. When I did our lips touched. His top lip was in between mine and we kissed for about 18 seconds. He wasn't bad for his first kiss.

I slowly came out of the kiss as Elsa spat out, "Wow. You must really like Kristoff."

Though the only reason I kissed him was because I had thought of Hans. Oh no. What if he had seen the kiss? What if some one else saw? What if the whole damn school saw? I froze in horror.

"Awe! Anna's frozen with love!" Elsa rejoiced.

"Elsa! Stop embarrassing us," whined Kristoff.

"But look at her! you've obviously cast a spell on her heart!" Elsa said happily.

I look around the room to see if anyone was looking, and then I scanned over Hans' table.

Thank God he wasn't watching. But I saw the most popular girl in school walking up to him. Her name is Rapunzel and if you ask anyone they'll say she's hot.

When Rapunzel got to her destination she put her hands on the table and leaned down in front of Hans' face.

Eye to boob level. Ugh


I could see what they were mouthing to each other.

"Hey Hans! do you mind if I sit with you today?"

"Ya, here sit next to me," I think he said this just so people weren't suspicious of me and Hans.

"Great! Now how about we play a game!"

"What game?"

"Well it's called 'Kiss the Only Girl at the Table'. The rules are the only girl at the table gets to chose who she wants to kiss, and if the kiss of good, they go on a date this Saturday."

"Let's play!" answered one of Hans' friends hoping it'd be him.

"Okay. I chose, hmm. Hans!" said Rapunzel trying to seem nonchalant. She grabbed Hans by his t shirt and yanked him in.

It had been 2 min. And the kiss still wasn't over! What the heck! Kristoff didn't even last for thirty seconds! So I grabbed Kristoff by his collar and kissed him. While my eyes were closed I missed the part of Hans' conversation that he got Rapunzel off of him and told her he was seeing someone from Ryland High.

Before my second kiss ended I made sure Hans was looking. But I didn't look to see if anyone else saw. After our lips came apart the whole lunch room was silent. 514 people had seen Kristoff and I make out. Including the principle.

Apparently making out at school is prohibited.


Author's Note

Sorry for the super long chapter. I guess it makes up for the long time I wasn't on, and also please give feedback. I bet this chapter was crap... (-_-) Hope you enjoyed the chapter more coming soon!

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