prompt #7-anakin

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The reader is a Padawan in this prompt.

It was another one of those long, arduous days, which only seemed to increase in difficulty and number as relations between the Republic and the Separatists worsened. You napped in your chambers, trying to get as much sleep as possible before you had another assignment. Of course, though, not even a few minutes had passed before a voice interrupted your rest.

"(Y/N)?" You heard Obi-Wan Kenobi call out. Groggily, you adjusted your robes and opened the door. "Yes, Master Kenobi?" 

"You have been assigned a mission, with myself and my padawan, Anakin Skywalker. You are quite familiar with each other, am I correct?"

You silently groaned. Anakin used to be one of your best friends. In fact, you found that you had come to think of him as more than a friend, but had forced these feelings away as it was against the Jedi Code. Unfortunately, he seemed to have a lingering childhood crush on the queen-turned-senator Padmé Amidala. Unable to resist any longer, one day, you casually brought her up during one of your conversations.

"How do you feel about Senator Amidala?" You asked.

Anakin looked rather surprised at your question. "Why are you asking this?"

You shrugged nonchalantly. "No reason, I just noticed that you seem to have a bit of a crush on her from when you were younger."

Your best friend took a deep breath, his gaze suddenly intense. "Promise you won't tell anyone?"

You rolled your eyes. "Of course not!" You exclaimed. I have a bad feeling about this, you thought to yourself.

"Well, ever since I last saw her, I have thought about her every day. It's just-" You cut him off before he could continue.

"You thought about her every day?? Anakin, that's creepy!"  You felt bad for the senator now. 

He sighed. "I know, I know, but-" His voice dropped to a whisper. "I love her. To me, she's a perfect, beautiful angel, and I love her more than anything else in the galaxy. I would die for her, and her only!" His blue eyes became dreamy and distant. Forcing back tears, you grit your teeth. "Well, that's nice," you managed to choke out. Anakin snapped back to reality.

"(Y/N), what's wrong?" He asked, concerned. 

"Nothing," you almost barked, before  saying very painfully, "Sorry, I got to go!"

Anakin chased you as you ran off. "(Y/N), wait!" He called after you.

"Stop following me!" You shouted hoarsely. "I-um-just started my period and have bad cramps, so I need to go to the restroom!" You lied, pretending to clutch at your stomach in pain.

"The restroom?" Anakin exclaimed. "That's on the other side of the Temple! Let me carry you there, it'll be way faster."  Before you could protest, he lifted you up in his arms, and carried you bridal you could go to the toilet.

On your way there, you passed a few younglings, who giggled at the ridiculous sight, then howled with laughter as soon as they left your sight. Your cheeks burned. "Anakin, put. Me. Down." You almost snarled. Anakin looked at you and winked. "No, m'lady," he replied, causing your face to become even redder than it already was.

"Oh-why, hello, Master Kenobi!"  Anakin said. You facepalmed, before speaking in a deadly tone. "Anakin. Skywalker. Put. Me. Down."

"No, I'm rather enjoying keeping you in this position," he quipped, smirking. Master Kenobi cleared his throat. "Anakin, she says she doesn't want to be carried. Obey her wishes, or  I'll report you for discipline to Master Windu."

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