prompt #7 // poe

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7. "I've always liked you, you were just looking the wrong way."
Gender-neutral reader.
A/N: Poe is such a sweetheart 🥺.  Leia is alive in this fic 😭 bless Carrie Fisher. Also, I said my last chapter was ~*zesty*~, but buckle up kids. This is as close to implied smut without referencing the actual dead.

Requested by: @-mcmahon . 

Without further ado, hope you enjoy!
Cast in the skies were two starfighters, the sheen of their surface apparent in the blistering sun. Inside the first was Poe. Sweat perspired on his brow, and you could practically hear his irritation.

"Can we please just get this over with? I'm dying here," he complained.

"So am I," you said, attempting to maneuver your ship while wiping the sweat off your forehead.

"At least it's just our routine check of the area. Imagine going into battle in this place," I said, trying to lighten the mood.

"You don't know that," he pointed out. "Who knows when the First Order might waltz in here?"

You veered sharply to the right, avoiding the sun from blinding you. "Hey, hotshot. Be more positive, would you?"

Poe laughed. "Sure thing, darling."

"Don't call me that!"

"Guys, I love this casual flirting, but can we please focus?" said Rey through the staticky com. "Any updates up there?"

You peered into the distance, adjusting your instruments to detect any hostile ships. "I'm not picking up anything on my radar. You?"

"Me neither," agreed Poe.

"Wait," you said nervously. "I'm picking something up from the 40'23.5"."

"That'd be me," Poe replied. "We're all clear, sweetpea!"

"I said what I said, Poe! No more nicknames, please." You said, exasperated with his flirtation. Truth was, you didn't really mind it. Poe was charming, and nearly everyone on the base was wrapped tightly around his finger. You knew that thinking too much about his flirting would only get your hopes up. After all, this was Poe — the notoriously single pilot who seemed uninterested in any romantic interactions.

Maybe he's just ace, you thought to yourself. I don't want to intrude in his boundaries, then.

He had rejected Elizabeth, the prettiest woman you had ever seen and the head mechanic. She had asked if he wanted to have drinks, and he had shaken his head, citing that he needed some "alone time" and rest.

"(Y/N)," called Rey through your headset. "Are you coming down? Poe's about to land, and we have another task for the two of you."

"Yes, one second," you said, trying to calm your racing thoughts about being assigned yet another mission with Poe. Avoiding him seemed well near impossible.

Kriff, it would be such a lie if you said that your heart didn't leap every time he shot one of his dazzling smiles. You squeezed your eyes shut, mobilizing your ship on hover mode.  Perfect little Poe and his perfect little self, be damned.

"(Y/N)?" Rey repeated. "Are you alright?"

You exhaled forcefully, willing your thoughts about Poe to disappear. "I'm alright. I was just checking to make sure that all of the ship's mechanisms were working properly."

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