His Favorite Music

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A/N: We are BACK! Hope you've all been well. Peep the meme.  👀
Anakin Skywalker: Classic rock-and-roll. Ever since you introduced him to the Beatles, he's been hooked. The steady pulse of the beat makes him feel so alive, and the riffs are simply cathartic.

Obi-Wan Kenobi: Hip-hop. Specifically, '90s, but he enjoys some modern rap. Sounds cliché...but it just speaks to him, you know? Lyrics are everything to him, and hearing his playlists are like piecing together his identity.

Luke Skywalker: Pop. He loves the kitschy choruses akin to mainstream pop. It just makes him feel so happy and invigorated to hear the peppy beat. Beru and Owen only listened to folk Tatooine songs, so he's happy for a change.

Han Solo: Jazz. It's the only way you get a taste of his life before the war. They used to play it at cantinas on Corellia, he says, and it reminds me of the rare happy times I had there.

Poe Dameron: R&B. It just speaks to him, weary of running from his past. Raw with grief, slower tunes help heal his aching heart; upbeat pieces never fail to liven up his day. Certain nights, you can catch him humming Shara's favorite songs.

Armitage Hux: Classical. He has a refined taste, should he not have an exquisite love of music? Though he can appreciate some modern pop, he prefers the soaring melodies of classical music.

Finn: K-Pop. It has an infectious energy that never failed to liven up a dreary day on Starkiller Base. He still holds a certain fondness for the fast-paced anthems.

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