prompt #9- anakin

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A/N: I would like to apologize, as this imagine has been stalled for a month and is long overdue.

[Anakin POV]

"Where are you going now, Anakin?" my former master, Obi-Wan asked slyly. We had just finished a meditation session. He unsuccessfully tried to get me to "quiet my mind" until he gave up, spewing out an impressive storm of vulgarities Artoo would be proud of. 

"Oh, I'm going to spend to spend time with my friend, (Y/N)," I answered, walking towards the door. Obi-Wan grabbed my arm. 

"Sure, you're hanging out," he teased, smirking. I felt my cheeks heat up redder than Mustafar. "Anyways, obey the Jedi Code at all times," Obi-Wan continued, shooting me a stern glare. 

"How can you go from sassmaster to Master Yoda within a matter of seconds?" I question. "Besides, it's not like you follow the Code all the time. We both know you and Satine were involved, even though you continuously deny it."

Immediately, I regretted mentioning Satine, remembering the tragic fate she had met just months prior. Obi-Wan's face contorted into a grief-stricken expression, which did not leave his face for a while. "I'm sorry, I shouldn't have-" I began, but he cut me off. "There was nothing we could've done, and that's all past now. Besides, despite everything, I still followed the Jedi Code and didn't slaughter a ton of people," he said, giving me the side-eye. Unwelcomed flashbacks of screaming sandpeople appeared in my thoughts. I shook my head.

"See you tomorrow," I announced, shutting the door behind me and catching one last glimpse of my former master shaking his head. "Don't get any ideas, Anakin!" he responded, his voice muffled by the walls. Quickly, I checked the time on my commlink to see that I was late once again. In my displeasure, I muttered a couple of obscenities under my breath, leaving the passing younglings scandalized.

[Your POV]

Finally, Anakin arrived, using the Force to barge into your room without knocking, nearly causing you to jump in surprise. Looking flustered as he usually was in the Temple, he began to apologize for his perpetual lateness.

"You know, sometimes I wish your timing for jumping into battle was as good as your arrival for hanging out," you remarked, leaning perilously back in your chair. "Sorry, but Obi-Wan couldn't control his insolence," he retorted. (kudos if you got the Clone Wars reference) "What are we watching?" he asked, changing the subject.

"Star Trek, as usual, unless you want to watch Fifty Shades of Grey," you said jokingly. His face reddened slightly. "I'm going to get us some food," he stated, standing up to take out some leftovers.

"Let's watch Fifty Shades," he announced to your surprise. "Bet you didn't see that one coming, but your senses aren't as well attuned as mine are," he said lightly. Gently, he brought his lightsaber near the food, instantly heating it up. "Time for some porg and lettuce cannelloni."

For an infuriating amount of time, the hologram buffered, during which Anakin stared at you. "Stop staring at me," you said annoyedly. "What, do I have Separatist planet dirt on my face?" 

You felt him quickly turn his head the other way. "No, it's nothing." Silence fell upon the room as you both began eating while the movie played. Just as you were about to have another mouthful, you felt an invisible hand push yours down. 

"Hey!" Anakin protested. "I wanted that piece of porg!" 

"You can have that one," you responded, pointing to another piece that was slightly less appetizing but still good. Reluctantly, he obliged, letting go of his Force grip, as he resumed staring at you.

"You're so hot, I'm getting a sunburn," he proclaimed suddenly. "Please, more!" a character moaned in the hologram, causing you to almost spit out your food. You laughed hysterically, which caused him to as well until both of you were howling and rolling on the floor.

"Talk about bad timing," he said, wiping away tears of joy. "Skywalker, you learned everything but the art of flirting from Master Kenobi," you replied.

For the first time in a while, you felt at bliss, cuddling up with your secret crush on a couch, fiddling with his soft hair. The twinkling lights of Coruscant infiltrated the small room, making the view of the hologram less clear, but the view of Anakin much better. "You know, what I tried to say is that I love you. I know it's against the Jedi Code, but I do," he commented.

You felt your heart skip a beat. "So do I," you admitted. Almost as if it were a dream, you slowly leaned in until his lips brushed yours, causing you to feel weak in the knees. Anakin pulled you closer, slightly biting on your lower lip which caused you to moan. You explored his mouth with your tongue, tugging on his curly locks and emitting a groan from him. All too soon, the need for air caused you to break apart, getting lost his sky blue eyes as you both regained your breath. 

Once again, the sound of loud moans emitted from the hologram. Anakin glanced at the screen, smirking. "Want to double that?"

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