He gets Jealous: pt. 2

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A/N: I've removed Finn from this, so if anyone wants him to stay, let me know.

-Kylo Ren:

 It was a dull day on Starkiller Base, and everything seemed to move slowly without a blip. As a result, your superiors allowed you to leave early. Quickly, you packed your bags and raced out of the base, flying away to your home planet of Coruscant. You hadn't been able to leave the base for several months, due to increased security measures and conflicts in time, as the base was nearing the time it would be operational. 

Finally, after a long journey, you arrived at your home. The door burst open, revealing none other than your brothers, Zach and Ned, who were extremely excited.

"It's so nice to see you here again! I was thinking Vader had Force-choked you!" Zach cried, hugging you tightly. "How have you been?" you asked them cheerfully. Before they could answer, the doorbell rang again.

You opened the door to see none other than your best friend, Matt. "Matt!" you exclaimed. "How is it being a radar technician?"

Matt sighed. "It's pretty boring. How are you?" he asked curiously. 

"I'm alright. My project's about to become operational, so it's been hectic lately," you replied. "I see you still have that awful hairstyle, it's just a bit darker and way longer," you teased, ruffling his hair.

Matt scowled with mock distaste. "Come on, it was never that bad! Besides, I'm dyeing it black, like the Supreme Leader," he said.

Your commlink rang furiously. Shooting an apologetic look at Matt, you picked it up.

"(Y/N), what are you doing with that man?" your boyfriend, Kylo, screeched angrily. You rolled your eyes. "What man, Matt? He's my best friend!" you retorted. 

Kylo took an audible breath. "Yes, him. You two are suspiciously close," he said, much more calmly, but laced with venom.

"Look, Kylove, he's just a friend. Besides, how do you know who I'm with?" you questioned, arching an eyebrow. 

"Sorry," he mumbled, ending the transmission abruptly. "I'm sorry, but you have to leave now. It's for...you know, safety reasons," you explained apologetically with a look that said everything. Matt facepalmed, before leaving the house.

Your commlink beeped again. 

kylove: Hey, I'm sorry about that

You smirked before responding.

you: You were so jealous!

kylove: No I wasn't!

kylove: A work thing came up, so could you have dinner with me today?

you: I'm not coming back until tomorrow, and that's final. Want to have dinner at seven tomorrow, though?

kylove: yes!!

"Oof, poor dude may be strong with the Force, but not strong in emotional control," you muttered to yourself, before being attacked by your brothers once more.

-Poe Dameron:

After a long day, you decided to have a drink on the Resistance Base. To your dismay, the bartender that day was Han Solo, notorious for his war efforts and dad jokes. "What do you want, kid?" he asked. "The usual?" You nodded in reply.

Han shoved the glass towards you. "Here. There's something you might want to know," he began slyly. Intrigued, you leaned in slightly, taking a sip of the luminescent liquid.

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