Woojin 🐻

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Genre : Fluff
Summary : Late night with a star itself.

It was a late summer night. And you couldn't sleep as usual. Too much thoughts. Too much things. You tried to get some sleep but you know it was useless.
After what it feels like an eternity, you decided to text your boy Woojin for him to come. Lucky you he was not sleeping either and agreed to come to your house.
Some time later, he entered your room with a sleepy face. His hair was a mess and his eyes were tired. Oh how you love him.
You looked at each other for like 30 secondes before you chuckled while getting up and taking your guitar.
Without a word, you both sat on your window, your guitar on your lap. He started humming your favorite songs while you started to strum some notes.

The night went pretty fast after that. Him singing, you playing the guitar in this hot summer night.
The sky was really gorgeous that night.
You took a look at Woojin. He was singing, very into the song. He was looking at the sky and you could see the reflection of the moon in his eyes. People says the eyes are the reflection of the soul. You guess Woojin might be an angel then.
He noticed your staring and looked back at you. Now you could see something else in his eyes. Something you couldn't really describe yet you find even more beautiful. And this thing people called it love.

You grew tired of playing so you decided to stop and just rest your head on Woojin's shoulder. He then rested his own on top of yours.
You like that feeling. You feel free. Your legs hanging in the emptiness below. The hot wind blowing slightly your hair. Your hand in Woojin's bigger one.
Yeah that night was perfect.

But every good thing comes to an end. And as you think of it, the night was already over.
You both stayed on top of your window to see the sunrise though. You didn't sleep of the entire night. Yet you feel a lot better than before. You feel relaxed. Calm. Happy.

« Thank you »

Woojin looked at you, confused. You easily read his mind saying « why » and you smiled brightly looking back at the sunrise.

« For this, for everything. »

He still looked blankly at you for few secondes before in turn smiling. No need to answer though. He only squeezes you hand tighter and rests his head back on your shoulder, closing his eyes while humming again.

The night might be over, there's still one little star with you. And this star's yours, filling up your empty sky.

The day had now fully begun and you wanted to move because your legs started to hurt after spending the entire night on the window. You got up taking Woojin by the hand. He laughed and followed you anyway.
You went downstairs while dancing with him laughing like crazy. You both fell, you on top of him. You looked at each other for a few secondes. You chuckled and kissed his nose while resting fully on him.
He got up putting you on the cold floor and quickly escaped before you could run after him.

You wish nights like this happened more often. Just you. Him. And the starry night.

 And the starry night

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« Mourn with the moon and the stars up above »


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