Genre : Fluff Summary : Coworking with Jisung as a cop.
You were driving home, back from work. It was a tiring day. You were working as a cop for 6 years now with your partner, also best friend, Jisung. You were actually working on a bank robbery which happened few days ago. It takes all your time, you still had to find the culprits and time was running out. However, you came home pretty early since Jisung told you to rest and that he would work on it tonight.
You put the keys on your table and went directly to take a hot shower in this cold night. While you were drying your hair, you heard your phone rang.
« Hello ? - Y/N I need you right now I might have found the culprits - But Ji it's so late and I'm just out of the shower, my hair's still wet and I— - Emergency Y/N, I'll be waiting for you »
He hanged up. I swear Jisung if I'm sick tomorrow I'll kick your ass. You sighed, having no other choice anyway. You put a big hoodie and some leggings and left your house quickly.
15 minutes later you were in your office. Jisung was lying there, a tone of papers everywhere on the floor and walls. His hair was a slight mess and he was wearing his glasses, which he did only when he was really concentrated. His uniform was a bit open in the front because it might have been uncomfortable. This sight made your heart skip a beat. Shit why are you looking so good right now ugh ?
He noticed your presence and looked at you, eyes tired. He explained everything. How he found out the culprits thanks to the cameras which the bank employee told you was not working only because he was part of the gang you used to hunt down. You knew that gang since a while now and you couldn't believe you didn't thought of them when the rubbery happened. Everything seemed pretty clear to you now. Jisung is a genius.
« Let's go »
You looked at him. Wait what ?
« I know I said you should rest I mean I didn't expect to found out about them, but I need you right now... but it's okay if you want t— - I'll go »
He looked at you surprised but then smirked. He took the keys of his car and drove you where the gang was.
It was in the middle of the night and you were leaving, getting ready to arrest some rubbers without the agreement of your boss. It was not the first time doing it but this time was different. You knew the gang too well to know that they were not peacefully sleeping right now and probably already waiting for you. You hated to admit it but you were kind of scared. You took a look at Jisung. He was driving, lost in his thoughts. He was frowning and his knuckles were turning white as he was holding the wheel really tight. You could tell he was not unfazed either.
You arrived 20 minutes later at what looked like a old shed. Pretty cliche. It seemed like there was only one entrance. You looked at Jisung who was already looking at you. You nodded understanding what he meant just by looking at him. You hid yourself beside the door while Jisung did the same. You started to count and suddenly exploded the door with you feet. You looked around. It was quiet. A little bit too quiet. And no one was visible. Weird.
But before you could start thinking more you heard a shot from the back of the depot. You looked around you. The 5 members gang were all there shooting at you and Jisung. Without thinking much you started to shoot at them as well as Jisung did the same. You both killed 3 of them while the 2 others seemed to have disappeared. Jisung went inside first but you knew it was a bad idea. You heard a new shot from afar and saw Jisung fell in front of your eyes. He was bleeding seriously and you needed to call an ambulance soon but yet you had to get rid of them. You started to shoot at them but they left before you could do anything. You quickly went to Jisung. He had been shot in his stomach and he was unconscious. You put your hands on the wound in order to stop the hemorrhage while the emergency services were coming.
Not so long after, they took Jisung to the nearest hospital and you joined him after getting interrogated by the officers. You were waiting outside his room, for the doctors to tell you how Jisung was. You were silently crying, hoping that he would be alright.
A nurse suddenly came out of his room and looked at you.
« The bullet luckily didn't reach any vital organ, he is okay he just needs rest right now. He might wake up during the night, if you want to see him you ca— »
You didn't wait for her to finish as you entered his room, seeing a very weak Jisung in his hospital bed. You knew it was a part of your job but seeing Jisung in this state really made you feel devastate. You took his hand in yours and sat next to him. Not so long after, you felt asleep.
You woke up by someone touching your cheek slightly. You opened your eyes and the reality hit you. You were in hospital because Jisung was injured. You saw Jisung taking his hand off of your face quickly after realizing you were awake.
« Omg Jisung how do you feel ? Does it hurt a lot ? Do you need anything ? Do you want me t— - Who are you ? »
Your heart stopped beating. No. No. No. I am dreaming right ? I'll wake up. Your eyes started to watered as you felt nothing but deep pain.
« Hey hey don't cry I'm joking Y/N I know I know I remember everything »
Jisung held your hand suddenly feeling guilty as he made you cry. You started hitting him, being careful not to really hurt him as you definitely were crying right now.
« You bastard I was so scared, I thought you were dying in front of me, I thought you didn't remember me, I thou— »
Jisung suddenly cut you by kissing you on the lips. You were too shocked to respond to the kiss even though you wanted it for a long time now. Jisung took it as a rejection and looked down. You smiled a bit and took his face with your hands and kissed him again. You felt him smiling through the kiss as he responded immediately. You both pulled away, panting and looking at each other.
« Never ever leave me like this again »
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« And who said you're one in a million ?
You're so much better than that »
Again I'm so late but it's still his birthday where I am so HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO OUR DANDY BOY 🎉🎉 I hope you did enjoy that special day, listening to a lot of Day6's songs and making fun of Changbin heheheheh I love you so much my underrated king I wish you nothing but happiness ONCE AGAIN HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO THE BIGGEST MYDAY SEUNGMINIE~~~