Jeongin 🦊

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Genre : Fluff
Summary : Camping and secret feelings.

(Jeongin's POV)

Tonight was the night. We decided to go camping with Y/N. She had planned that night for so long and she was really excited to go. I was too, mostly because it will be with Y/N. I admit I had that little crush on her but I'm pretty sure she only sees me as a good friend and nothing else. Feelings will go away sooner or later.

I suddenly received a call, and I didn't have to check to know that it was her.

« ARe YoU ReADy jEOnGIniE ?! »

I chuckled.

« Yes I am Y/N
- Good, I'll be at your house in 10 see you
- Yeah see you »

I finished putting all my stuffs in my bag and went downstairs. Y/N arrived not that much later and we got ready to leave.

« So I have snacks, flashlight, blankets, matches... hummm I think I have everything »

She said, acting like she was thinking hard. I smiled. Y/N was literally a ball of happiness. Wherever she goes, she was putting a smile on everyone's faces. And that was the reason why everyone loves her. Many guys asked her out already. However, she always declined politely. And I felt lucky for that.

After few minutes of walking in the forest, we found the perfect place to spend the night. Y/N and I started to look for wood to make a fire since it was getting cold. Y/N then took some matches to make the fire while I put the blankets around for us to lay on.

While eating, we were singing our lungs out. Laughing and talking to each other.

« You know Jeongin, I'm actually really glad I took you there. I am really having fun with you right now »

She looked at me smiling. I blushed and looked back at her.

« I'm having fun too. Thank you for preparing everything, it's perfect »

She was still smiling enjoying her last bite.

After eating, we both laid on the floor, looking at the starry sky. The atmosphere was kind of romantic and I couldn't help but blush again at the thought. Her head was laying on my chest and we were holding hands.

« I like you »

I don't know why I said it. But I did. I immediately regretted it as I felt her moving her head to look at me. She looked quite surprised.

« Y-You do ? »

I sighted. There was no reason of turning back right now.

« Yeah uhm... I do... for a while now. I didn't want to tell you cause I know it would have destroy our friendship and I think I was kind of obvious I mean everyone knows I like you ahah... Anyways, you can just forget what I said, I know I'm just a friend for yo- »

She cut me by kissing my cheek. I blushed hard while holding my now kissed cheek.

« I like you too dumbass. I thought I was the one being obvious »

We stayed like this for a while. I was relieved. There was now a new feeling in my stomach, making me feel really good. I looked at her, her eyes were closed and her breathing was slow and regular. She felt asleep. I chuckled while I put more blankets on her to keep her warm.

Time was passing by, yet I couldn't fall asleep. I was watching her. She is so pretty. Her hand was still in mine. I kissed her forehead and murmured :

« Good night Y/N »

Before finally falling asleep.

Before finally falling asleep

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« So come on take a leap over the edge cause I don't wanna die, wishing you were mine »


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