Genre : Fluff
Summary : Cliché scenario of you falling in love with your best friend.« Hurry up Y/N I'm super hungry today »
You sighed, shaking your head at your best friend.
« Yes Jeongin I'm coming »
Jeongin and you had been best friends since years now. Well you were childhood best friends. He knew you more than anyone. And same for you. It didn't stop you from developing a little tiny crush on him though. Just tiny tiny crush. Or not.
You mentally sighed and followed him before he was out of sight, already in the cafeteria.
« If you don't want a dessert, take one for me »
You looked at him, amused.
« What's up with you today ? »
You said while chuckling.
« I'm excited, today I'm gonna ask Jiwoo to go to prom with me »
Your smile suddenly faded unconsciously. You coughed and put on a fake one back.
« O-oh I- that's great... »
He looked back at you, smiling brightly, totally oblivious of your changing mood.
« I'm so nervous, wish me luck Y/N ! How about you, did someone invite you or do you plan on asking someone ? »
He said while raising his eyebrows and smirking. Stupid I was waiting for you.
« Uhm— no... I don't know, I don't feel like going anyway... »
He pouted at your answer. Please don't do that ugh.
« Whaaat but whyyyyy Y/NNNN you can't leave me alone like this ?!?
- You'll be with Jiwoo, I'm sure she'll accept your offer don't worry. Good luck I gotta go I need to study for a test, see ya »You smiled even more to convince him and left without even starting eating. Stupid me, we are in the same class and we don't even have a test coming.
You went to the bathroom and looked at yourself in the miroir. Without noticing, tears were streaming down your face. You quickly rubbed them away and sighed. What did you expect Y/N, he's your best friend, this is selfish to want to keep him for yourself. But it still hurt. Just imagining him, walking hand in hand with a girl, kissing and hugging made you want to cry again. The fact that Jiwoo was in your class didn't help either. They'll be together all the time. Plus I can't even hate her, she's so nice ughhh. You shook your head. At least I should be there for him, as a good friend right ? You sighed and left the bathroom, going to the library where you knew you would find Jeongin.
« H-Hey »
Jeongin looked up to you. As you planned, he was in the library, sitting alone. You smiled weakly and sat next to him.
« Hey ? Is that all you have to say ? »
He looked at you like he was mad but you knew him too well to know that he was just worried.
« Uhm listen Jeongin I didn't mean to leave you like tha—
- But you did ! I ate alone and now my stomach hurts because I ate too fast and too much... »You chuckled at his cute behavior while he smiled back, acting like the baby he was.
« Sorry... I— this is not important... so tell me did you ask Jiwoo already ?
- Why did you change the subject. Y/N ? »

Stray Kids one shots/reactions
FanfictionStray Kids one shots, reactions... Request if you want (closed) SOFT FOR THESE BOYS