Genre : Fluff Summary : Photographer Changbin at his finest.
(Changbin's POV)
Sunny afternoon. Bored. Ugh I hate summer. I decided to go to the park. Might have something nice to take some pictures of. I guess. I hope. Taking my camera, I left. Hot. I sat next to a tree, looking at the people passing by. Boring.
Suddenly, something, well more like someone, caught my eyes. She was sitting next to another tree next to me. She was writing something. Beautiful. She seemed so concentrated. Should I ?
Slowly, I took my camera and took few portraits of her. Theses pictures might be the prettiest I've ever taken.
I was watching the portraits, when I turned to her direction again.
She was gone. Too soon.
I came back home. I felt weird, tired. Will I ever be able to see her again ? I looked at her pictures. Was she even real ?
The next day, I came to the park again.
She was there. And the next day too. And the followed next too.
One day, she forgot her book. It was now or never the opportunity to talk to her the next day while giving her book back.
The cover was all black. I could tell that she drew some stars or flowers but it was very small, yet very soft. I was wondering if I should open the book or not. This is probably personal. And strangely, it makes me want to read it even more.
I opened the first page. I took a look of all the pages. It was only made of texts written by herself and some small drawings. I started reading the first page.
« I'm trying to find meaning in this emptiness. I'll write every worthy things in my life without any falsehood, usually I just scribbled those things, letting out what's in my heart. Why do we live ? What's the purpose ? A life's time that flows like water, in just a blink of eyes, I was already dead. Yeah I really hate it. »
I read it. And read it again. It was beautiful, yet really sad. I closed the book. I entered her private life without the authorization. And I know it was bad. Yet there is no turning back.
I'll just give it back tomorrow.
The next day, I went to the park again. And she was there, again. But she seemed off. Of course, she didn't have her book she might have been looking for it. I approached her slowly. She looked up at me and I showed the book. Her eyes widened while she sighed in relief.
« I found that, I guessed it was yours - Th-thank you so much »
She was smiling. She was really pretty. I wanted to take my camera and save her smile for an eternity.
« My name is Changbin - Mine's Y/N »
I sat down next to her.
« Aren't you the boy that take pictures of everything ? I saw you multiple times here - O-Oh yeah I love photography... and yes I come here almost everyday... just like you - Hehe you noticed too »
We both spent the afternoon together talking about random stuffs. I suddenly felt the urge to ask her that question that was on my mind since yesterday.
« Why do you write all those things on this book ? - Oh... Well you know, I just... sometimes I'm feeling things that I can't describe by speaking or I don't want to forget that feeling or that line and so I'm writing everything down so I can remember all of this. This book is like my entire life that's why I am really thankful that you found it and returned it. Thank you again Changbin - Oooh I see, no problem though »
She was looking at the sky, her hair slightly brushed by the wind. Her eyes sparkling. Her breathing slow and regular. I couldn't resist. I took my camera and took pictures of her again. She noticed of course, but didn't mind and even allowed me to take the pictures from different angles. She was laughing at my work and YES I CAPTURED THAT. We both ended up laughing and making weird faces for the camera. Her, taking pictures of me too even though I didn't want to.
It was dark already and I didn't want to leave. But she told me that she needed to go back home before it would be too late because she was kind of scared to walk home alone in the night. I wanted to walk her home though but she insisted that it was okay. She told my that she would be there tomorrow again, ready for another round of pictures battle which I gladly accepted.
The next morning, I was waiting for her. I suddenly felt a tap on my shoulder but when I turned back no one was there. I looked around me, confused, when I heard someone laughed. I turned around again, and there she was, laughing like a true angel, still holding tightly her book in her arms. I started to chase her around the park while she was just running like a fool, screaming.
I want to be a part of her book now, a part of her life.
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« Are you dead ? Sometimes I think I'm dead, cause I can feel ghosts and ghouls wrapping my head, but I don't wanna fall asleep just yet »