You would have push this boy a little tiny bit too much and him being a little tiny bit sensitive because of working too much, you guys would have fought over the most stupid thing. However, your arguments never last long as you quickly both feel super guilty and come to the other to set everything up. I feel like Woojin would really hate arguments so he would always try to listen to you and keep calm. He would always try to settle everything without you fighting because he really hates it.
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Chan :
He was coming home late. He was working too hard. He was tired. You can already tell that this poor guy was exhausted and that you being a little bit too worried for him made him annoyed easily. He would act cold and you guys would not see each other a lot. But when he was home he would only sleep and you became kind of worried for your relationship. However, when Chan noticed that you felt really abandoned he would try to set the things up and ask you for forgiveness and time.
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Minho :
You didn't even remember how the argument started, probably over stupid little things, but while you two were arguing, Minho would have went a little bit too far and said something very hurtful to you. You would suddenly keep quiet and look at him with hurt clearly visible in your eyes. As you didn't want him to see you cry, you would have tried to escape in your room but Minho would have prevented you from doing so, realizing his mistake and apologizing quickly to you.
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