Genre : Fluff Summary : Snow, train and Jisung might be a good match.
It was a long journey. You were coming back from seeing your family at the opposite of the country to spend Christmas with them. Now you had to get home. You were in the train and it started snowing. As much as you love snow, you really wanted to get home early to rest after the trip.
However, due to the snow, the train suddenly stopped. You heard a voice.
« Hello passengers, we are sorry to announce you that because of the weather conditions, your travel must be stopped. We don't know yet when the train will be able to leave again. Have a nice trip. »
You sighted. Exactly what you feared. Come on Y/N, use this free time to take a short nap. Unfortunately, as you started to fall asleep you heard someone talking to you.
« Uhm excuse me miss but is this seat available ? »
A boy around your age was standing next to you, with about a thousand bags on each hand. He seemed extremely tired. You quickly nodded your head even though you just wanted to sleep alone, you kind of felt pity for this poor boy. However, after only two minutes, you already regretted letting him sit in front of you as he was just a talking mess. He was really nice, but you were tired and he kept on blabbering about everything, preventing you from your beauty sleep. Well in not even five minutes, you learnt that his name was Jisung, that he was moving to the same city as yours and that he loved cheesecakes. You were just silently listening to him when he suddenly stopped. You looked at him confused, and he just chuckled.
« Wow you were really listening to me ? Hehe I'm sorry, I'm blabbering too much »
He turned kind of shy and rubbed his nape. It was your turn of chuckling and adding :
« Of course I was listening. By the way my name is Y/N and I actually live in the same city as yours now ! »
He looked so happy as he started to be a talking mess again and you chuckled once again.
Two hours later, you were still stuck in the train. Not feeling tired at all anymore, you could say that time passed by really quickly and that thanks to Jisung. During that time, you learnt about each other more and you had to admit that he was really nice plus he was also handsome.
« You know I actually really love snow, it's really pretty »
You admitted out of the blue. He looked at you and then smirked.
« Honestly same but I know something prettier... »
You looked at him, waiting for the end.
« You. »
You blushed hard at his words as he just chuckled and kept on hitting on you during the time you were waiting making you cringe but laugh anyway.
Finally, when it was about 1am the train left again and you arrived at your station, which was the same as Jisung, at 2:30 am. He insisted on walking you home since it was so late and honestly you didn't want to refuse as you were kind of scared to walk alone at this time of the night. Jisung was taller than you and he held your hand during your way home, making you feel safe.
It was king of weird because you knew him for about few hours only but yet you felt extremely close to him and very confortable with him. You could tell that he felt the same way with you.
After about 15 minutes walking in the snow, you both finally arrived at your door.
« Thank you for everything Jisung, I really appreciate it. - No problem miss I'm here for you »
He said smirking acting like the gentleman he was.
« Then I guess you should get going it's really late, stay safe and maybe see you around ? »
You added and then planted a sweet kiss on his cheek making him blush and froze in place.
After you closed your door he added :
« Ye-yeah see you »
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