A Hard Decision

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Leo and his three brothers were all in Donnie's lab while he was typing on his computer and then stoppedd before heading toward a needle shock thing and walked over to Leo placing the needle part in his arm sucking out some of his blood making Leo flinch a little until Donnie pulled it out and headed back to his lab desk holding the shock thing over a small experiment pad thing dropping out a drop of Leo's blood and put it underneath his stethoscope looking into it until a small gasp came from him while he looked up.
"Did you find anything Donnie?" Raph asked. Donnie turned around his gaze filled with shock.
"Nothing good." he said.
"What are you talking about?" Leo asked. Donnie looked over at him. Leo didn't like the terrified look his brother was giving him.
"Leo the power that you have is really dangerous but it gets worse, you'll often be losing control over them."
Donnie said.
"How?" Leo asked him his heart pounding against his chest.
"Well if you haven't been under Shredder's control you would be fine but since you've had evil desires that time, there's a chance that these powers will turn you evil." Donnie said gulping.
"What?!" Leo gasped stumbling away from him in fear. He looked over at Raph who's eyes were filled with terror. This can't be happening! I can't turn bad! Leo thought.
"But... There's a way to pull Leo out of the darkness if he falls in right?" Raph asked looking at Donnie. Leo looked at his brother to but to his panic Donnie shook his head.
"I'm not sure." Donnie said. Leo looked down at the floor sitting down on a stool behind him feeling panic surge through him. This is all Shredder's fault! If he hadn't captured me none of this would've happened and I would've never gotten these dumb powers! Rage began to replace Leo's fear as he imagined himself using his ice magic on Shredder stabbing the life out of him as punishment. Suddenly his mind began going into a hazey red and he looked up seeing Shredder standing right there and stood up blasting his powers at his enemy cornering him against the wall and approached him ready to finish him off. Before Leo knew it, he was pulled back by the shell by Donnie who caused him to fall on his shell yelling. Leo's mind cleared and he saw instead of Shredder being cornered it was Raph and Leo waved his hand down making the ice disappear.
"He's already lost it!" Mikey wailed running out of the lab. Oh no I did it again! Leo thought. Luckily there were no cuts on Raph this time but he glared at Leo his emerald green eyes blazing with anger.
"Really Leo?! Again?!" Raph yelled pacing toward him. Donnie went to grab his arm to pull him back until Raph whacked his brother away his pacing making Leo back away.
"I-I'm sorry." Leo stammered.
"You need to stop that Leo or I'll end up like Splinter one of these days!" Raph yelled. Leo went to say something but Raph stomped out of the lair elbowing past him. Leo yelled in frustration before dashing out of the lair heading into the sewer tunnels. I can't risk losing them not my brothers, so I'll live the rest of my life in the form of a fox Leo decided. He headed deeper inside the dark tunnel turning himself into a gray and blue fox padding away.
"Leo!" Raph called. Leo halted in his tracks looking over seeing his brother heading toward him. "Leo I'm sorry I yelled at you." Raph said. Leo felt his brother placing his hand on his head like he usually does when he's trying to calm him down. But this time Leo pulled away.
"You heard what Donnie said, my ice powers are dangerous I don't know how to control them." Leo said.
"Is that why you're leaving?" Raph asked.
"I have to, these attacks will just keep happening, besides I don't think I should stay here anymore." Leo said. He turned away and padded off before Raph could say anything. Leo fought the urge to look back as he could sense Raph's eyes on him but his brother didn't follow. I'm sorry I had to leave Leo thought sadness stabbing his heart.

Car horns honked from on the road that stretched by the sidewalks on each side of them while Leo padded through an alley sniffing around to pick up any traces of food. Nothing. Leo grunted in anger and raked his claws at a pebble making it tumble away. He didn't think being a city fox would be so hard. His heart clenched at the thought of how Raph must've felt when he watched him pad away from him but he had to. It was the only thing that Leo could think of to protect them. I wonder if the guys have powers to and they don't realize it yet Leo thought. If he has powers his brothers have to have powers too. No, he shouldn't be thinking like that. Leo shook the thought away deciding that he's happy that Raph, Donnie and Mikey don't have powers, but Donnie did say that Leo has the most dangerous kind of power of all aside from fox transformation. He has ice magic. Suddenly a strange figure with a long tail appeared in front of him from the shadows and it growled at him making Leo freeze. The creature continued growling at him as it's eyes glowed in the darkness. Leo couldn't tell what it was, only that it was a little bit muscular but short which seemed weird to him. Right at the second Leo stepped back, the creature charged at him and Leo turned around rushing off the creature right behind him. Leo's heart thundered in his chest as he tried to outrun the creature but it just kept gaining on him. He hasn't often been in fox form since the death of Shredder. Maybe Shredder has powers too and he somehow faked his death! The thought sended shivers up Leo's spine making his neck fur bristle until anger struck him like lighting. This is ridiculous if that thing thinks I'm going to back down its surely mistaken! Leo thought his teeth gritting. He lead the creature into an alley managing to get ahead of it and turned around charging at the creature cutting it's shoulder with his claws hearing it yelp loudly like a dog as he landed. Clearly the creature was too small to be a dog but too big to be a cat. Obviously it was another fox. Leo turned around to attack the fox again until he could make out what it looks like now. The fox had ragged black and light gray fur while it's ears were a reddish brown color and it's eyes were an emerald green as it looked at him sneering with it's muzzle curled into a snarl. The fox growled darkly at Leo before it lunged itself at him tackling Leo on his side it's one light gray paw on his shoulder and continued growling at him readying to go for the kill.

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