Discovering Identity

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Fear stabbed Leo's heart like needles as the black and gray fox readyed itself to finish him off making Leo flinch and close his eyes tightly waiting for the fox to finish him off until the heavy weight on him disappeared. Leo forced himself up confused out of his mind and looked at the fox. There was something familiar about him. The black and gray fox sat on his hunches and winced in pain streaks of dark red blood coming out of his cut. Leo took a step toward him trying hard to figure out why this fox seemed so familiar. Then it struck him.
"R-Raph?" Leo said his voice lowered.
"Who else?" Raph scoffed. Leo's heart jumped in his throat in shock. How was he in the form of a fox? Could it be possible that Raph has the same powers as Leo? Raph looked at Leo his ear tips twitching in annoyance.
"I'm surprised you didn't recognize me." Raph said grimly. Leo whacked his paw at his brother's ear smacking it.
"Ow! The heck Leo?!" Raph exclaimed putting his paw on his ear.
"That's for chasing me!" Leo replied sternly.
"Well sorry if I felt threatened, it's an animal thing my gosh!" Raph said rubbing his paw on his ear. He stood up on his paws and stretched before sitting back down. "Where were you anyways? I've been trying to find you for the past three weeks." Raph said a mix of both anger and worry in his gaze. Leo grunted as he stood up and turned away from him sighing.
"Living on the streets, what else?" Leo said. He looked over at Raph. "How long have you been able to transform into a fox like I do?" he asked. Raph's eyes narrowed as he looked away for a second.
"Since... Shredder used a brain worm on me." Raph said nervously.
"What?! And you never told us?!" Leo blurted. Raph staggered away from him and Leo sighed calming himself down.
"Leo I never said anything because I thought you and the guys would freak out." Raph explained.
"So for the past three years you kept this a secret." Leo said trying to figure it out. Raph nodded briskly in response. "And after I got my powers you still never said anything." Leo groaned pacing around.
"I tried to before you left but then I just... Froze up." Raph stuttered.
"And I suppose you have other powers?" Leo questioned wanting to smack him again. Raph shook his head in response. Leo grumbled in Japanese as he began pacing around again.
"Come on Leo please don't be mad." Raph sighed standing up on his paws.
"Ha. Oh no no no of course not, I'm perfectly fine, fine with you keeping secrets!" Leo replied with an angry smirk. Raph stumbled backwards as though Leo's yelling made him feel uneasy a little. Stop! That's not how you act, control yourself you would've done the same thing! Leo yelled at himself silently. He let his head droop down feeling ashamed of himself.
"Just-just get out of here, now." Leo stammered looking away. Raph padded to his side.
"And leave you alone? No way!" Raph said. Leo went to respond but his brother interrupted him. "You've been out here by yourself for weeks, I'm not going anywhere." Raph said. At least he's still loyal Leo thought. He padded off letting his brother follow from behind as the two foxes headed off.
"Do you even have a place where you sleep? I'm getting tired." Raph complained after they wondered around in the city for about two hours.
"Quit complaining, my prey pile is empty and we need to hunt, especially since you're with me." Leo replied feeling a little annoyed with his impatient brother. Raph snorted as he laughed a little.
"Whatever fearless." Raph said poking his nose on his shoulder. Leo glared at him but he tried hard not to laugh. He actually liked doing a brotherly bond with him, because it's been forever since Raph didn't lash out on him. Especially after Leo was made leader. Leo halted on his tracks making Raph stop too and both their ears pricked up listening as a small scurry sound was sounding from a short distance.
"Come on." Leo whispered. Raph followed at his ankles both stopping as soon as they saw at least two creatures wandering around. A fat white rat and a pigeon. Leo heard a quiet low growl sounding from Raph's throat and nipped at him almost biting his muzzle to shut him up. Stubborn still as always! Leo thought glaring at his brother. He moved his head to the side signaling him to go to the side and Raph grumbled a little before he obeyed. Leo looked back at the two creatures and stayed low to his belly waiting until the rat wondered a little close toward him and dashed towards it the rat squeaking in terror. The pigeon flew off while Raph jumped at it his claws hitting it's leg but the bird ignored him and managed to fly away out of his reach.
"Sewer cakes!" Raph yelled. Leo bit down on the rat's neck killing it and looked at his brother seeing his black neck fur bristling in anger.
"At least we got the rat." Leo said trying to sound cheerful.
"You caught it not me!" Raph snapped. Leo fought back a retort and sighed trying to be calm. He felt bad that his brother failed.
"Don't worry Raph, I'll help you learn how to hunt tomorrow." Leo promised. Raph seemed to look relaxed but his fur was stil bristled.
"Are you hungry?" Leo asked.
"No, I ate before leaving tonight." Raph answered.
"Alright, I'm sure we'll catch something tomorrow while I'm teaching you." Leo replied. Both the two brothers headed off. Leo and Raph both padded inside of an abandoned warehouse that had an old mattress in the middle of the area while Leo setted down the rat he caught and began eating.
"Man Leo how can you stand eating those?" Raph questioned gagging a little.
"Huh? You changed your mind? Okay." Leo replied. He grabbed a small piece of the rat's flesh and tossed it to Raph while he wasn't looking. "Catch!" Leo yelled playfully. The meat landed next to Raph's paw the touch making his brother yelp and stumble away gasping with his neck fur bristling un end. Leo began bursting out into laughter falling on his side.
"Not funny!" Raph barked. Leo stood up on his paws calming himself down after a snort escaped his throat and continued eating his meal. Leo got done eating his rat and stretched himself feeling bored.
"It was not funny Leo." Raph grumbled. Leo began fallacking around his brother and did a play bow at him.
"Yes it was, you probably thought it was a cockroach." Leo said chuckling.
"Sure." Raph growled pouting. Leo nipped him playfully and dashed off doing a challenge stance. "Stop! I'm not in the mood to play you jerk!" Raph yelled digging his claws in the hard floor. Leo felt his heart drop as his brother stomped over to the mattress lying down in it grunting. Leo padded toward his brother lying inches away from him.
"I'm sorry Raph, I was just messing around." Leo said feeling hurt.
"Well stop, I'm not in the mood." Raph replied. He set his head down on his paws and went to sleep. Every time Raph and I get along he's always deciding to act like this Leo thought. He lied on his side letting sleep wash over him as he wondered into a dream.

TMNT: Out Of Control (Sequel To "Leo's Secret Powers")Where stories live. Discover now