The Need For Revenge

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Days have passed since the turtle's battle against the Footclan happened and Raph was in a little better shape than how he was after Karai had wounded him but he's doing alright now. Unfortunately that didn't calm down Leo very much. He had been sneaking out of the lair at night trying to find out where Karai usually patrols the city and had tried to ambush her but at times he almost had been spotted by Tigerclaw who is sometimes Karai's bodyguard. Leo guessed that since he now has powers and a more intention of wanting to hurt her for what she did to Raph. I'm sorry Sensei but your daughter is really insane and I don't know what else to do Leo thought. He hoped that the Dead in the After Life can hear the thoughts of the living of the ones they cared about. Although Leo could imagine how Splinter would react if he was still alive and found out about what he's doing. But why wasn't Splinter's spirit visiting him? The Dead Souls can go to earh and back to the After Life whenever they want. Perhaps he was mad at Leo about his dumb mistake of letting his fear get the best of him when he left the lair choosing to live on the streets. Some leader I've been Leo thought mockingly to himself. He stood up from sitting on his knees in front of the family pictures of all four turtles and Splinter and walked out of the dojo. It was almost night and the turtles had to patrol the city soon. But Raph had to stay home while his girlfriend Mona would take care of him. After hearing about what happened to Raph Mona has been coming to the lair for a visit. Leo knew she was really concerned about Raph especially since they're kinda dating as Mikey teases Raph about it. It was about 10:00 pm. and Mona was sitting next to Raph her head rested on his shoulder while he had his arm wrapped around her shoulders both of them talking to each other their voices low in conversation. Leo saw Raph or Mona chuckle at one another a few times and sometimes they would peck each other on the cheeks. Leo was glad that Raph's doing okay especially around Mona.
"I still don't understand why she did this to you Rapheal, is Karai not Splinter's daughter?" Mona asked after a small gasp escaped her throat. They were talking about the battle.
"Well it's Shredder's fault because he took her away but yeah she is still Splinter's daughter, but she's just going to remain Shredder's little girl since she won't believe us." Raph answered. Mona looked down sadness in her yellow gold eyes.
"I feel bad for Leonardo, he must've been devastated when she betrayed him." Mona said.
"Gosh he wouldn't come out of his room for weeks when that happened, I'm just surprised Splinter hadn't renounced the lea- Ow!" Raph went to say. But at that moment when he said 'renounced' she had smacked her tail on his foot. Leo almost snickered at the way Raph looked at Mona shock in his eyes.
"You must let go of your jealousy of Leonardo, he's your brother!" Mona said sternly. Raph stared at Mona still a little shocked but a slight smile came on his face. He liked how his girlfriend had a bit of fire in her. And Raph's attracted to Mona's anger.
"Sorry." Raph said clearing his throat. Leo rolled his eyes at his brother's fake innocence and walked out of the lair not caring if anyone saw him heading out on himself anymore. Leo jumped across a rooftop landing on the next one leaping right over an alleyway and continued going. Man I'm really tired, but that won't stop me from getting back at Karai Leo thought. He continued searching all around the city for his enemy for a few more hours until finally he spotted Karai, not by herself though. Foot Bots were following at her ankles like obedient guard dogs and Leo took his chance. Without hesitation, he took out a Ninja smoke bomb and threw it towards the Footclan members each of them shifting their heads around in confusion as the purple smoke surrounded them. Leo took out his two katanas and swiftly ran inside the smoke remembering the exact spots where he saw the Foot Bots and sliced them all in pieces with one swing of his katanas. It was very easy for Leo to spot the robots because their eyes glowed a little in the purple fog. Before the fog could clear completely, Leo jumped on a water tower and hid behind it hearing the footsteps of Karai walking around rather quickly as though she were freaked out by what just happened. Leo ceased his chance, he snuck around to the other side of his hiding place and immediately charged at Karai jumping off of the water tower and landed an unpleasant blow of his katanas on her shoulder blood splattering the ground as Karai tumbled backwards until she fell down landing on her back. Leo approached her anger burning like fire inside of him as he thrushed his katana upwards striking blows on her that would not look good on this page.

(Trust me you don't want to know what Leo did to her.)

Once Leo was finished lashing out on Karai, she was barely alive and her body was twitching in shock uncontrollably as blood welled out of her wounds that Leo bestowed on her. He put his two katanas away and crouched down at Karai's level both fear and rage in her gaze.
"Mess around with me and my brothers again and you won't survive next time, also Shredder has been lying to you your entire life and as soon as Raph heals up completely we're all going after the Footclan and we'll bring the Mighty Mutanimals with us!" Leo growled. He stood up letting Karai force herself up as she looked at him her chest heaving from shock. Leo glared at his enemy before turning away dashing off into the night to head home. One day the Footclan will be rid of the city. One day Karai could listen to Leo but he lost that kind of hope. And one day Leo will hunt down Shredder until the end of time and he will kill him even if he has to do it over and over again until Shredder's powers would give up on saving him from death. I killed him once I'll gladly do it again! Leo vowed. And no other villain in the world would stand in his way. Leo will kill Shredder even if it was the laat thing he did.

The end.

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