Villian From The Past

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Leo felt pain surge through him as he woke up lying on his side and forced himself up feeling a sharp pain gnaw his head. He looked around himself realizing that he was in a huge cage that had a painting of forest trees on the wall behind him and a few bushes planted in current places and felt cold soft dirt underneath his paws.
"Raph are you here?" Leo whispered looking around. He continued searching for his brother until he finally saw him lying on his side. Clearly he was still unconscious.
"It's about time you woke up." a new voice said. Leo looked over seeing the same wolf from last night who ambushed him and Raph. The wolf had a nasty scar over his right eye, a few others on his body, he had a dark gray collar on with spikes all over it, his ears looked to be all shredded as though he were in a lot of fights and another scar near his left eye while his fur was black and gray as he glared at Leo. This guy looks familiar but I can't seem to think straight Leo thought. The black wolf padded closer to the barred cage growling at Leo the sound so deep that it was like two bears growling at the same time.
"What do you want? How did you put us here?" Leo questioned feeling a strange twist of hate towards the wolf.
"I figured that you've forgotten about me, but I still remember what you did to me." the wolf replied pacing side to side.
"What... What are you talking about?" Leo asked feeling confused. What did he ever do to the wolf?
"Pathetic and immature as always turtle!" the wolf barked. The way he said 'turtle' surely made Leo back away a little then it struck him. The only one person that he knew who would call him that was someone that he knew.
"Shredder!" Leo shouted. Hate immediately struck him and he curled his muzzle into a snarl growling darkly at his old enemy.
"How in the world are you alive?! You should be dead!" Leo yelled wanting badly to strike him down like before.
"Did you really think that after you bit me I gained powers compared to yours? That's how I survived, the powers that I now have had healed me before I was completely gone!" Shredder growled. Raph woke up groaning in pain before freezing into shock the moment he saw Shredder standing there.
"What the heck?! I-Is that-"
"Yes it's Shredder." Leo said as his brother stumbled over his words. Shredder paced side to side again whipping his head while his one ear was going down weirdly as though he had an itch in his ear and growled angrily scratching his itchy ear with his back paw.
"You fools have wronged me for the last time, luckily your master isn't here to help you this time." Shredder said his one good eye glinting in the moonlit light. Raph growled at Shredder before he charged at the bars where Shredder was at and raked his claws at him cutting the wolf on his throat leaving a tiny scratch on him as he moved away to avoid being struck any deeper. Leo noticed a slight bit of fear in his brown eye and then he recovered from it and glared at Raph before getting ready to attack.
"Raph!" Leo yelled. He quickly gripped his teeth on Raph's scruff pulling him back before Shredder could even put one scratch on him. Shredder grunted as he whipped his one fore paw forward through the space between the bars trying to reach him. Leo stood in front of Raph protectively growling at him like a fox defending it's territory. Gosh Raph needs to be more careful! Leo thought feeling a little annoyed by what his brother did. Shredder growled at the two brothers before turning around and padded away leaving Leo and Raph left in the cage.

Hours have passed since Leo and Raph witnessed Shredder being alive and Raph paced around in the cage splashing in the giant water bowl every few minutes and swipped his claws on the bark of a tree leaving behind scratch marks on it.
"Raph stop that I'm trying to think!" Leo yelled from where he was sitting. Raph growled at him as he shouldered Leo knocking him down.
"Shredder is alive and he's probably going after Donnie and Mikey as we speak and all you can do is think?!" Raph yelled. Clearly back to his short tempered self. Leo staggered on his paws wincing a little as a sharp pebble was stabbing his shoulder.
"I'm trying to think of a way to get out of here." Leo said firmly. He pulled the pebble out of himself thin blood welling from the cut.
"This is all your fault! If you hadn't ran away from the lair none of this would've happened!" Raph yelled. He tackled Leo to the ground his one fore paw on his neck like how he did before on the day they got reunited after Leo was by himself. "The decision of you running away was even worse than all your other dumb plans!" he continued.
"I was trying to protect you from my ice magic!" Leo yelled pushing him off. Raph snapped his jaws at Leo making him gasp a little as he avoided his brother's attack.
"Well then you could've just turned into a fox and stayed in the lair until Donnie could figure something out! I didn't see you use your ice magic at all since you were in the form of a fox!" Raph yelled his voice raising.
"I-I wasn't thinking! I was too scared about Donnie's, Mikey's and your safety!" Leo stammered backing away from Raph. Raph growled at Leo darkly as though he were about to attack until he turned away from him and flopped down on his side grunting. He's right though, if I had turned into a fox and stayed in the lair we wouldn't have been captured Leo thought. He decided that there was only one way out of this mess, and that was for Leo to stop being afraid of his own magic and try to use them for the greater good even though Donnie had said that his ice magic could corrupt him but there's no other way out of this. There's no other choice.

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