The Escape

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Leo decided that he's been hiding from his ice powers by being in the form of a fox has lasted long enough. He transformed himself back to his turtle form and made his hands glow white before blasting ice spikes at the bars making them break apart as they tumbled on the floor. Raph got up from lying on his side and transformed himself back to his mutant turtle self seeing Leo standing there. Leo looked over at his brother seeing a bit of panic in his eyes but he also looked kinda happy at the same time.
"Let's go Raph." Leo said. Raph followed as Leo headed out of the dungeon both the two brothers walking out. Suddenly alarms started blaring and three of Shredder's men Tigerclaw, Rahzar and Rocksteady were all charging at them. Tigerclaw readyed his blasters aiming them at the two turtles while Rocksteady had his head down his horn pointed at them and Rahzar unsheathed his claws growling at them. Both Leo and Raph took out their weapons and charged at the mutants. Raph swipped his sai at Rahzar cutting him on his head making the giant wolf yelp in pain while Leo threw throwing stars at Tigerclaw hitting his blasters making them spark in his hands and kicked him on his forehead knocking him out. Rocksteady snorted at them his eyes blazing with anger and he charged at them yelling out in Russian. Leo and Raph both dodged Rocksteady's attack by going at each side of him while they whipped their blades of their weapons at him cutting him almost all over. Leo managed to get the rhino's leg cutting it deep to make a giant wound blood spraying out of it as he stumbled down hitting his giant head on the wall while his horn stabbed inside it getting stuck. Both turtles watched as Rocksteady crashed and dashed off continuing to escape once they saw that the rhino was knocked out. When they were almost out of the tunnels, a Kunoeach named Karai suddenly showed up and drawed out her short katana at them anger in her gaze. Both Leo and Raph halted while a bunch of Foot Soldiers showed up each of them speaking in a robotic language as they took out their katanas.
"You two fools should've stayed in your cell, at least then you both would've lasted a little longer." Karai said pacing toward them. Leo heard Raph growl at her and stepped in front of him keeping his brother from doing something stupid by challenging Karai. She obviously still doesn't want to be on Shredder's side but I can tell she does want to quit the Foot even though she's afraid of how he'll react Leo thought. He approached Karai keeping his senses up in case either Raph or one of the Foot Soldiers try anything.
"Karai listen to me, Raph and I have to go, you don't know what Shredder's become. He's even worse than how he was before." Leo said. But Karai just crossed her arms glaring at him like how Raph does when he doesn't like an idea of his.
"I know about the powers that Shredder has gained, but that's only because you were the one who killed him, why should I let you go?" Karai questioned.
"He just said the reason princess!" Raph yelled keeping his distance. Karai rolled her eyes at Raph.
"Orders are orders, I'm not letting you two go anywhere, and if you want to go really badly, you'll just have to fight your way out." Karai said firmly.
"Shredder is a monster, he could end up losing control of his powers and hurt you including everyone else along with innocent people." Leo resoned. Karai sneered at him her one brow raised a little.
"Unlike what you did to Splinter, I'd say you're a traitor Leo." Karai jeered. Anger flared through Leo at her words.
"I'm not responsible, Shredder is!" Leo yelled. He felt his powers whoosh everywhere inside his body before he began glowing white and blasted his powers at Karai until she dodged it by whipping out of the way. Raph charged at her yelling out in anger before anyone else could move. The Foot Soldiers immediately attacked going after the two brothers. Leo quickly turned around and blasted ice at them turning the floor into a slippery tile making the Foot Soldiers fall down. Karai swipped her katana at Raph cutting him on his cheek making blood squirt on the floor. Leo blasted his powers at Karai creating an ice barrier that surrounded her and he whipped his one arm to the side making the ice bang her on the wall one of the spikes stabbing her chest a little before the ice disappeared letting her flop down on the floor landing on her chest while blood welled out of her wound. Leo watched as Raph headed out and looked at Karai feeling sadness wash over him. Why did the daughter of Splinter have to be his enemy? Why can't she change?
"I'm sorry Karai." Leo whispered. He stared at his half sister before following Raph out of the tunnel. It took a few more minutes before Leo and Raph finally got out of Shredder's lair and they each dashed off jumping on top of a low rooftop and continued running. Both the turtles ran until they both got tired and halted deciding to take a break. Of course Raph tried to keep going but he ended up stumbling his chest heaving as he flopped down panting from exhaustion. Anger surged through Leo as he blasted his powers at a distance making an ice spike fly out of his hand whizzing where he thrushed his arm.
"Every time I try to stay calm and reason with Karai she always manages to get on my nerves and I end up hurting her by accident! Why won't that brat listen?!" Leo yelled. Without thinking first, he turned around blasting his powers again making them fly by Raph's head as his brother ducked his arms shielding his face.
"Dude!" Raph exclaimed. Leo felt his heart jump in his throat as he realized what he did.
"S-sorry." Leo stuttered. He sat down making his glow on his hands disappear feeling guilt stab his chest. "I just wish she would believe me, or at least go on our side." he sighed half to himself.
"Heh. Like that'll ever happen." Raph huffed. Leo ignored him. He knew it was weird that he has a small crush on Karai even though they're not exactly blood related but he still wished she would listen to him. And I thought having my new powers made me upset Leo thought to himself. Suddenly there was screaming coming from a distance alarming both two brothers as they immediately stood up looking around to spot anyone.
"The heck was that?" Raph questioned his one brow raised.
"I'm not sure." Leo replied. He turned to his side feeling panic stab him like a needle as the screaming sounded again, it was getting louder and being followed by loud growling and a howl.
"Mikey and Donnie!" the two shouted in union. Both Leo and Raph dashed off in the night following as the battle noises continued. They had to hurry or else their two brothers will be joining Splinter in the After Life place.

Hey guys it's me the writer of this story I just wanted to let you know that I've ran out of room in my memory system of my LG phone so I won't be able to put up any more pictures from anywhere also because I'm afraid I might get accused of stealing other writers pictures so I won't be doing any pictures anymore and don't worry there's going to be more chapters so keep a look out because I'm writing and publishing each chapter one by one and I hope you're enjoying the story as much as I am 😀

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