fem human puppet x male reader 2

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The Puppet ran as fast as she could, her hand clutching her injured side. She didn't know what happened, but the others had gone haywire and Toy Freddy had attempted to kill her while trying to reach the new nightguard, Fritz, who forgot to wind up her music box. Fortunately for her, she managed to escape the pizzeria with Freddy's help and was on her way to the one person that can make her feel safe: (y/n). He was the first human friend she had made due to how one night, he forgot to wind up her music box. Since then, they had gotten to know each other and she had found out that he needed the money in order to help his family. Eventually, she gathered up her courage with Bonnie's help and confessed to the nightguard that she loved him, only to find out that he loved her as well. However, the management wound up moving him to the day shift after spending six nights, only for him to quit after witnessing Mangle bite a kid.
She eventually reached the address (y/n) had put on his job application and knocked on the door leading to the house. The door had opened to reveal the same (h/c)-haired (e/c)-eyed man she had known for those short nights.
"Marion?" he asked, opening the door all the way. "What are you doing here?"
"It's a long-" she said before keeling over in pain.
"Oh gosh!" he cried as he took her into his house, closing the door as he did.
He had gotten the Puppet onto a couch in a lying down position and dashed into the kitchen for a first aid kit. When he came back, he got to work on the injury the Puppet had gotten.
"How the hell did you get hurt?!" he said as he used a saline-covered cotton ball on the wound.
"Well," she began, "we had a new guy filling in for you. Fritz, I think his name was. Anyway, somehow, the others had gone bonkers and became more persistent in getting him. While he was trying to deal with them, he forgot the music box and when I tried to reach him, Toy Freddy wound up ambushing me in the main hallway."
"I'm surprised you even escaped the guy. How'd you do it?"
"Freddy had shown up just as Toy Freddy was about to finish me off and knocked him out. He then took me and ran towards the exit where he told me to run as far away from the place as possible and to not come back. I obeyed and thought of going to you since you're the only person that made me feel safe."
"Gee, thanks," (y/n) said as he finished up tending to the injury. "There we go, we just need to avoid getting your injury wet and you'll be okay."
The Puppet said nothing, but instead hugged (y/n) with tears coming down her face.
"I missed you so much," she said.
"I missed you too, Marion," he said back.
After a while of talking in terms of catch-up, even though they hadn't seen each other for a day, (y/n) let the Puppet sleep in his room for the night and told her that he'll talk to the manager about letting her stay with him since the restaurant was closing down. The morning after, (y/n) had met with the manager and told him about what happened, only to find out that he was going to let him keep the Puppet anyway. When he came home and told her the news, her reaction was better than he expected: she practically glomped him and began to kiss him repeatedly.


The Puppet was sitting on the couch, waiting for (y/n) to come back. She looked at the gold band on her left ring finger and smiled a little bit. She and (y/n) had been married for a year and was anxiously waiting to tell him some happy news. The sound of a car pulling up drove her out of her thoughts. She got up and looked through a window to find (y/n) coming out of the driver's side of the car and making his way to the front door. When he opened it, he barely had enough time to say that he was home before getting glomped by the Puppet.
"Do you have to do that every time I get back?" he asked as she got off of him.
"I can't help it," she said. "I love you, silly."
"I love you, too," he said after chuckling a bit and got up. "So, what's up?"
She ran to the bathroom and came back with a home pregnancy test. He took a look at it. Two pink lines were evident on the thing.
"... You're pregnant?"
The Puppet nodded, smiling. (y/n) wrapped his arms around her and they began to kiss each other before breaking away.
"How are we going to raise it?" (y/n) asked.
"We'll manage," the Puppet said.
They then went to the couch where they spent the rest of the day snuggling

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