fem bill cipher x male reader

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"(M/n), write this in today's log." Stanford says handing you a weird looking artifact. "Yes sir." You reply quickly writing down your findings. While you're righting you rub a triangular amulet that has been passed down through generations. Then the grass around you and your mentor started to flatten into a triangle and you were standing in the eye that was in the middle.

"Well well well well well well well, if it isn't Stanford Filbrick Pines. How's it going buddy." said a floating triangle. The triangle then floated over to you and looking you dead in the eye. "Hey it appears I have my eye on you." The triangle then took her eye out the socket and they it at you only for it to appear right back in the socket. "I see you have my amulet, you got a name pretty boy?"

"Move away from (M/n)! What do you want?!" Stanford butted in.

"Don't play dumb with me IQ, you knew I'd be back. Do you honestly think shutting down that portal can stop me? I've been making deals, talking with friends, preparing for the big day." The triangle answered.

"What's she talking about Stanford?" you inquired.

"You can't keep that rift open forever Pines."

"Leave, you have no dominion here!"

"That's not it Pines, I thing you should chill out." The triangle then snap her fingers and Stanford was invaded in ice but was still able to breath and talk. "I may not have dominion now, but things change Pines, things change." The triangle then shifts her attention to you and floats your way. "Now back to you. That amulet you have, it belongs to me, or at least it did. I gave it to this guy a while ago. He said that his great grandkid, that's you buddy, would join me. And even better, we'd take over all the realms together. So what do you say, join me." The triangle extender her arms out as if asking for a hug

"Don't do it (M/n)!" Stanford yelled.

The triangles snapped her fingers again and a piece of tape covered your mentor's mouth. "Wow Stanford, you sure know how to ruin the mood. Don't stop me from making relationships just because you're single." The triangle then turns back to you. "Don't worry, I'll come back when snappy pants here isn't around. Keep the amulet, it makes you look hot." the triangle said while disappearing into thin air.

"(M/n), we must keep moving. Whatever happens I cannot and will not let her take hold of you!" Stanford said, unfrozen and ungagged.

"You want to fill me in here, just who was that?"

"That was Billie Cipher. She's a dream demon who formally only used to exist in the mind-space. She wants nothing more than to create chaos, party, and turn into people's fears and scare them. Sometimes she even does a combination of the three." Stanford explained.

"What about this amulet?" You try to take off the amulet but it doesn't budge. "And why the hell cant I take it off?"

"It's like she said, she gave that amulet to your great-grandfather. It is said that whoever wears it can weird unimaginable godlike powers. What she didn't mention however, was the key to unlocking these powers." 

"Did you know?"


"I said did you know about all this? Did you know all along?!"

"Well yes but,"

"And when did you plan on telling me Pines? You said we would be equals. I think as an equal this is something I should have known about."

"I know and I'm sorry. I just wanted to protect you."

"For the last time I'm not these two kids you always talk about. I'm not a kid Pines. Before you came I was doing a good job fending for myself. I can take care of myself." 

"I know but I feel it's my duty to watch over you, me being the older one."

You looked at the amulet on more time before grabbing you stuff. "Whatever, let's just get going."

You and Stanford traveled for months. And during that time Stanford rarely let you out of his field of senses. If he couldn't hear you, it's because he was watching you like a hawk. If he couldn't see you, he already distinguished your scent from his surroundings. At first you didn't mind too much, except when you had to use the little explorers room and the best he would do is turn around and stand to feet from you. Now it was night time, and after staying up day in and day out it was save to say when Stan passed out, he'd be down for a while. It was then you got a visitor.

"Oh great, I'd thought he'd never go out." 

"What do you want Billie?" You grabbed your amulet.

"To fulfill our destiny of course silly-billy. Wait I'm Billie, you're just silly."

"And why would I go anywhere with you?"

Because I can give you the one thing you've always wanted: power. Power to do any and everything. Power to learn to your heart's desire." Billie monologues.

"I meant that a triangle as a girlfriend doesn't sound to appealing to me but the powers sealed the deal. So how do I get these powers?"
"Oh, that part is easy. But we have something to do here first." Billie then pulls out a permanent marker.

Stanford wakes up in time to see you leaving through a portal with Billie. "(M/n) noooooo!" He then sees his reflection. "I'll get you for this Billieee!"

"So where does this portal take us to Billie?"

"It launches us into the fourth wall, shattering it in the process and taking us to, the writer." Billie explained.

"Who's this, the writer you're talking about." You asked.

"Here we go." Billie says as you to are engulfed in bright light.

" Where the hell is my notebook at?"

"Hey Billie, are you sure this is the guy who can give me my powers. I mean he doesn't look like the type to bestow godlike powers, he can't even properly light a room."

"But I can erase you from existence so watch it buddy!" the writer barked.

"Sorry, so how do I get these powers?" you asked.

"First, you get your shoes off of my notebook and pass it to me." The writer then scribbles in his notebook and a portal opens. "Now get out of my room."

"Can I get an outfit change?" you asked.

Again this time the writer scribbled in his book. This time the portal spit out an outfit looking like a pair of gloves and a top hat.

"Oh look (M/n), we have matching hats." Billie said floating around you. "Now just one more thing fairy godfather, make me a real girl. Like with flesh and hair and all the other good stuff.

"You can already do that yourself." the writer said.

"I know but I want to see your design." Billie said batting her eye.

The writer then wrote one last time in the book and the portal fluctuated before regaining stability. "There now scram before I change my mind!"

You and Billie rush through the portal and land in gravity falls. You turned to see Billie looking at her reflection a nearby puddle. She then turns to you sportin a Cheshire smile.

"Hey, let's party while scaring people and creating chaos."


fem various x male readerWhere stories live. Discover now