fem chucky x male reader

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You Chose to Checkout the Abandoned Toy Factory

As you stood there thinking you became bored and decided it's too early to sleep so you decided to check out the old abandoned toy factory you heard it had been shut down because the insane rumor that one of its dolls came to life and killed a bunch of people a few years later they opened back up but as soon as they did the rumors more rumors came up again soon after that they shut down again this time permanently.

You walked to the edge of town where you could see the factory through a huge rusted fence gate the gate was obviously in the way so you decided to break it down so you began kicking it on the third kick the latch broke making the rusted gate swing open allowing you to proceed past the gate as you walked to the entrance of the factory.

You walked into the factory expecting to see broken machinery and cobwebs instead the factory was surprisingly neat and mostly intact you looked around seeing the old signs for the company and the dolls that were labeled “good girl dolls” you saw the factories conveyor belt with tons of incomplete dolls still on it.

Than you looked on the floor and saw a fully complete good girl doll the strange thing was it wasn’t dirty or dusty it almost looked brand new right out of the box you for some unknown reason you picked it up seeing if it was even broken “hi I’m (random doll name) and I’m your friend till the end hahaha” as it spoke you nearly jumped “god you scared me” you said before dropping the doll.

You were about to leave until you heard a sound the sound of a girl crying it freaked you out you were about to run thinking it was a ghost or something but then you heard it again it sounded close so you decided to check it out you turned a corner and saw what it was a girl with red hair sitting on the ground crying what made you nervous was that she was wearing a good girl doll outfit there's no way in hell she’s been here forever right?.

You thought about it and decided fuck it let's be the hero so you approached her a bit before speaking “um hi are you ok?” she wiped her tears before looking at you with her two different color eyes one green the other light blue she has red lipstick on you suddenly realized you were rudely staring at her “are you ok?” you asked her again.

“My boyfriend broke up with me” she sniffed almost looking like she was going to cry again you were dumbfounded what kind of moron would break up with a woman this beautiful? you thought before speaking “why did he break up with you?” she sniffed again before answering “he said I was ugly” she said now you were pissed off with who the hell ever was her boyfriend you could already imagine him being the abusive type.

You fucking hated guys who would call a beautiful girl ugly just to make them feel better about themselves sick fucks the lot of them she started tearing up before she did you got to her level and gave her a hug “shh its ok he’s a nobody you can do so much better than a loser like him” you said comforting her “do you think I’m pretty?” she asked “hell yes you're absolutely beautiful” “than will you be my boyfriend?” she asked in a shaky voice you were in absolute shock this beautiful girl just asked you to be her boyfriend with only minor delay you answered “of course I will my name is (y/n) what's yours?”. 

You said before your eyes widened as a stinging pain hit you in the back “my friends call me Chuckie” she said as she injected you with drugs via a syringe you were about to speak before she shushed you “shh its ok (y/n) after the ritual we’ll be the perfect couple just like Ken and” she paused as she pulled fake skin off of her face revealing red stitched up scars all over her face “Barbie” she finally said before you passed out.

You woke up hours later not really feeling yourself you woke up on a table you got up and looked in a broken mirror and became shocked at your new changes you were a living life sized doll of your old body as you kept looking at these changes Chuckie put her arms around your waist “hi pookie do you like your new body?”.

She asked you were about to smack her but 1 you weren’t that kind of guy and 2 you thought of the possibilities never aging never getting sick and you were certainly not blank down there like ken so you turned to her and said “so when's our wedding?”.

Months later you and Chuckie got married had kids and became the first and only immortals ever.

fem various x male readerWhere stories live. Discover now