yandere chan x yandere male reader

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It was the first day of your freshman year at Akademi High School.
You were somewhat excited for high school. You were away from your previous classmates and it would be a new start.
And you needed a new start.
In you previous school, you were pretty much shunned. You were described as 'quiet', 'apathetic', and even 'sadistic' to some. But you didn't care now. It was a new start. The least you could do was try to make a good image for yourself here.

You walked into the gates of the school. You looked at your watch and checked the time. 7:03 AM. You thought you were the first there but then you saw her...
You were in awe at her. She was... indescribable.
You never really knew what it was like to be in love, but now you did. You stared at her beautiful face for a couple seconds until someone accidentally bumped into you, snapping you back to reality.
You shook your head and walked over to your locker to gather your things.

While you were gathering your things, you saw her out of the corner of your eye walk past. A fragrance blew from her. You quietly sniffed the air. "She even smells good..." you said in your thoughts "She will be mine..." you laughed quietly under your breath. You didn't understand why, but it felt right. Some people by you gave you strange looks, but at this point, you didn't care. It was only about her now...
You finished gathering your things and went to your class. While walking there, you saw her walking up the stairs to the next floor of the school. "A upperclasswoman..." you thought "Then she must be my Senpai... Mine and no one else's... No one"
You didn't notice that while you were talking in your thoughts, you broke the pencil in your hand. You sighed as you set your things down on your desk and exited the class to get another pencil from your locker. You had time to kill anyway.

While you were walking, you noticed a group of guys talking close to your locker. You opened your locker while unintentionally ease-dropping on them.
"Have you seen Yan-chan? She looks kinda cute this year..." one guy said.
"Eh... not really my type" another said.
"I'm honestly thinking about asking her out, guys..." the first one said.
You couldn't believe your ears. It was the first day and already someone was trying to steal her...
"They have to go..." you thought "She's mine... They don't get how much I love Yan-chan more than them... They don't deserve her... I'd do anything... Anything... To make sure... That she is mine"
You grabbed a pencil from your locker and shut it.

Just as you were about to leave, you heard the same guy talking said something in your direction.
"Hey, hold up!" he said.
You stopped and looked behind you.
The guy that called Yan-chan (as you just recently learned that she was called) cute stood behind you. You turned around.
"Hi there!" he said cheerfully. "I'm Haruto Yuto"
"I'm [F/N] [L/N]" you said, putting on a fake smile.
"Cool! So what class are you in?" he asked.
"Class 1-1" you replied.
"Me too! That's cool! I hope we can have a good year together, man!" he said.
It almost made you sick at how cheerful he was. He was trying to take Yan-chan away from you and he was acting so.... disgustingly nice. Now he had to go. You studied his face to make sure you knew what he looked like before you got rid of him.
Despite what you were feeling on the inside at him, you replied with a "Me too" and walked back to class.

Throughout class, you were devising a plan to get rid of Haruto. "He doesn't deserve Yan-chan... He just doesn't..." you said in your thoughts while simultaneously coming up with a plan.
You remember seeing a needle in the nurse's office when you took a tour of the school before you attended today.
That's it. You'll find some toxic chemical and inject it into him. You let out a small laugh thinking up your plan.
"[F/N]!" the teacher yelled at you. "Please try to pay attention"
"Yes, ma'am" you said.

During lunch you made your way to the Nurse's Office. You looked in from a window. No one. Good. It just made everything easier.
You quietly slipped in and made your way to the drawers. You opened one up and saw a needle. Perfect. You quickly took it out and closed the drawer.
You frantically searched for some kind of toxic substance to fill the needle.
After a few minutes of searching, you found a chemical that said to 'Only inject extremely small dosages at one time. Large amounts may be a health hazard.'
You smirked. You filled the needle with the chemical and put the bottle back.
You made your way to your locker and put the needle in there.
Now there was only getting rid of Haruto...
You laughed silently at your locker. This was going  perfectly. Now Yan-chan would be all yours... Lovely, beautiful, gorgeous Yan-chan... All yours...
You ran back to your class to make sure you weren't late.

After class, you walked out to find where Haruto was.
You saw him walking towards the Sewing Club room.
"So he has a club to attend..." you said to yourself quietly.
You decided to wait until the club was done to make your move. Besides, you didn't want people to get suspicious if Haruto didn't show up.

You walked around the school to find where Yan-chan was. It was the best way to pass time, after all.
After a little walking you found her.
You silently stalked her whenever she moved.
"Soon, Senpai... Soon" you said under your breath, smiling. "Then you'll see how much I love you..."

After a good (un)healthy time of stalking Yan-chan you heard the bell which meant all clubs have to go home.
You smiled at the sound.
It was time for Haruto to go...
You made your way over to the Sewing Club with a tiny smirk on your face.

You arrived at the Sewing Club and saw Haruto was the last one to leave.
"Haruto!" you said, walking towards him.
"Huh? Oh hey, [F/N]" he said.
"Can I talk to you in private?" you asked.
"Uh... sure I guess" he said.
"Great! Thanks a bunch, really" you said.

After a little walk, you ended up behind the school with Haruto.
"So what did you want to talk to me about, [F/N]?" he asked.
"Nothing really..." you said with a small smirk.
"Then why did you bring me back here?" he asked.
"Just to tell you something..." you said as you pulled out the syringe.
"[F/N]... W-What are you doing?" he said.
"Stay away from Yan-chan..." you said.
You quickly pushed Haruto down and stabbed the needle into his neck. He started to yell so you put your hand over his mouth to keep him somewhat silent. You then injected the chemical into his neck, making him slowly silent.
You took the syringe out of his neck. You smiled down at his now twitching body.
"Yan-chan is mine..." you said to his body with a psychotic look on your face.

"I thought I heard a dying scream out here..." a female voice that was unfamiliar to you said.
You turned around and saw her. Yan-chan.
"Yan-chan!" you said scared. "H-He was in the way... He had to go... He didn't love you like I do!"
Yan-chan gave you a confused look.
"Love me?" she asked.
You nodded. "I did this for you... He wanted you to himself, but he didn't deserve you. I love you more than he ever could... S-Senpai"
"You did this for me? That's how much you love me?" she questioned.
You were scared at that question. It sounded like she was mad.
But you nodded yes. "I love you so much Yan-chan..."
She looked at Haruto on the ground.
"I know what it is to love... But I've never known what it's like to be loved..." she said, walking up to you.
You kept quiet, looking down as a blush grew on your face from Yan-chan being so close to you.
"It's better than loving..." she said.
She lifted up your face and leaned in. Her lips pressed against yours and your blush was now a deep red, practically burning your face.
She pulled away and you opened your eyes seeing a warm smile that absolutely made you melt.
"I love you, Yan-chan..." you said.
She wrapped her arms around you.
"And I love you, my little kohai..." she said.

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