female issei x male reader

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I laid my head on the hard desk as I watch many girls flirt with Kiba, he was trying to get rid of them in the most nicest way possible.

"Hey Senpai." 

I smiled as I push my head up and turn to Koneko, she just stared at me as she took a bite out of a chocolate bar.

"Hey Koneko." I replied.

"Isabela wanted to talk to you about something." She said.

I smiled at her as I patted her head, she blushed madly before she walked to her desk. I got up and began to walk out of the classroom, I stretched my arms as I spotted a cute brunette leaning against the wall. I smiled as I stood next to her, this is Isabella, but she also goes by pervert given to her by her classmates both males and females.

"Hey Isabella." I greeted.

"Hey (Y,N). I wanted to ask you something." She replied.

"What is it?" I asked as I moved closer to her.

She blushed and looked down, she then looked up at me and smiled as she pushed her breasts against my chest.

"Is-Isabella?" I asked with a blush.

"Do you love me?" She asked.

I admit I had to ponder about what she just asked, I was in a relationship with many other girls in this school, many guys started to call me the harem king. She frowned as I remained silent, her eyes filled with tears as she threw a punch to my chest sending me to the other wall.

"I hate you!" She yelled before she ran down hall.

"Isabella wait!" I shouted.

Rias and Asia walked up to me with frowns on their faces.

"Isabella ran. I have to go after her." I said.

"Wait." Rias said as she grabbed my arm.

"Let her calm down (Y,N)." Asia said.

I looked at them before I turned back to the way where Isabella ran, I nodded before I made my way back to class.

(Please be careful Isabella) I thought.

Isabella POV

I couldn't handle it, I had to leave, I couldn't see his face after that. I cried softly as I fell to my knees, I looked at my left hand and noticed that I summoned my dragon gauntlet.

"Why didn't he answer?" I asked myself.

"Doesn't he love me? I was the first one he met when he was transferred here, I was the first one to fall for him."

"He loved the others more than you." A mysterious voice said.


I stood up and wiped the tears off my face as I turned, I saw Loki the god of mischief. He had a sick smile on his face as he walked up to me, his hand touched my dragon gauntlet as I stood there in shock.

"How are you here!?" I angrily asked.

"Nothing lasts forever." He replied.

"But we sealed you away, (Y,N) did." I said.

"(Y,N) huh? Tell me why do you care for him if he doesn't care for you at all?" He asked.

"That's not true he loves me!" I shouted.

"If he did then he would've ran after you, but where is he?" He said with grin.

"Wipe that grin off your face or I'LL DO IT FOR YOU!" I shouted as my eyes glowed green.

fem various x male readerWhere stories live. Discover now